One-Shot no. 85: iGet Crushed by a Crush

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Sam's POV

I open my bag and find my little black book with the words 'iDiary' written in cursive writing. Yes, I did the cursive on the front... doesn't seem very... me, am I right? You'd expect big bold, block letters with the words 'KEEP OUT' or 'LEAVE UNLESS YOU GOT FRIED CHICKEN'. But nope, I thought people would pay less attention and not be bothered to open my diary if it was just another silly old diaries some daffodil would write in when she was kissed by the most hottest guy for the 3rd time on their 5 (and a half) week anniversary or something like that. I also thought that people would think that this diary was owned by some hardcore iCarly fan.

Anyway, my diary doesn't hold beloved secrets like that. Uh-uh. My diary holds my whole life. I've had this diary ever since I learned how to write properly... 3rd grade. Sure, iCarly wasn't a thing back then but the word 'diary' was. - Made no sense... leave me alone, I'm not a genius or whatever.

"Sam?" Ah yes... that indeed is my mother... if you could even call her that. I look up with an annoyed expression on my face. "I'm going out with the girls for the weekend to Vegas. I left a jar of salsa and peppy cola in the fridge. Remember to feed the goldfish and Frothy." 

"Wait but mu-" and with that, she was gone. I hate that about my mother. She has no care for me and probably wouldn't even notice if I ran away. Hell, she didn't even noticed that Frothy ate the stupid goldfish. Speaking of Frothy, I hear a quiet purr come from under my bed. I look underneath and smile to see my beloved Frothy just resting there.

I pull her up out under the bed and cuddle her closely. I've had Frothy ever since I had my little diary. I have her paw prints all over in my diary and ink spills from when she spilled my bottle of ink when I was writing in my diary. (I know right, old-fashioned much).

*beep* goes off my phone. While still cuddling Frothy, I walk over to my phone and see a new message from Freddie. (This is the bit when I'm around others I usually gag and cringe but since that I'm alone, I blush and do a little dance of excitement and joy). "Oh my gosh, it's Freddie. What would he want? Probably something about Carly.. stuff his stupid little crush on her."

From: Fredduccini 
To: Princess Puckett
Hey, Puckett! Coming over in 10 if that's okay. I'm just really bored and not in the mood to talk art or boys with Carly 
and Spencer. I have food and movies btw and just wanna catch up with my Princess Puckett. See ya in a few :)
P.S. Get changed into COMFIER clothes. Nothing Carly would wear to bed.. I wanna see Sam not Carly #2

I smile and squeal to myself. Freddie's coming to my house by choice because he wants to see and catch up with me!! This is amazing oh my gosh! So I guess you figured out that I may have a crush on the boy. I look in my closet for some 'comfy' clothes. I find an old, grey Ridgeway tee and a pair of donut printed pyjama pants. 

I quickly slip those on and tie my hair into a messy bun and put on my glasses hoping that the comfy, messy appearance would attract him more than the slutty, provocative appearance. I look outside my window and see Freddie's mother's car pull up. Ugh it's Cra- wait nope. Nevermind. It's just Freddie and- oh wait... Crazy is there too. Dammit Freddie, thought you got your learner's. 

I quickly rush through the hallway to the front door and just casually wait there. Two seconds later, the doorbell rang and by the way... that scared the living daylights out of me! I try and calm myself down, knowing that the boy I lo- like... is out there waiting for me to answer the door. 

"Sam, you in there?" And there goes all my calm. I panic. I don't know what to- why won't you just open the sticking door, Puckett? Stupid conscience! I calmly open the door and see Freddie standing there with a handful of bags and boxes. 

"Order for Miss Princess Puckett." I smile and blush lightly while also putting my head down, hoping that Freddie didn't see me blushing. After a few seconds, I look up and smile back. "What up Fredface?" He rolls his eyes but smiles. "The moon, the stars, the..." He stops and looks up at the veranda roof confusingly. 

"-The obnoxious looking gravy stain.." I laugh. Ah the memories... "Whatever nub, you gonna come in? Mama's starving!" He chuckles at my humor and follows me to my living room, closing the door behind him. "So what did you bring for me?"

He hands me the several bags and boxes. I see ice cream, chocolate, bacon, chips, ribs, jerky, ham, Chinese food, pizza, Galini's pie, Pini's lasagna... does the boy want me passed out on the floor by tomorrow morning? "You don't have to eat it all obviously, but I assumed your mum left you again for the weekend so I just bought some stuff that you could stock in your fridge. There's also some healthy options in the bags... that's just for if you want to make a sandwich or actually want to eat something healthy becausing knowing you-" He's ranting again...

"Freddie?" He looked up at me. "Yeah?" I grab the nearest cushion and throw it at his face. "Shut up." We both stay silent for a few seconds, until the silence was stepped on by our laughter. "Hey I gotta use the bathroom and go change, where is your bathroom?" I point down the hall way and he thanks me before leaving... this is going to be the best night ever!

Freddie's POV

I walk down the hallway, hoping to find the bathroom when I come across a door with signs all over it, warning me to not go in. Must be Sam's room. I quickly pull my head around the corner to see if Sam would notice me going inside her room... she's too busy noticing the onion dip and corn chips. Ah the memories...

Anyway, I carefully turn the knob to her bedroom and to see everything I did not expect. Her walls were painted a very light blue with posters of anything and everything on one side of the room. Stuffed toys laying neatly near her windowsill along with some dolls too. A small desk with her laptop, cables, and a photo frame of Carly, Sam and I at the web awards in Japan. 

I walk over to her bed, it was just an average sized, single bed that very much resembled as a sofa. Next to that was a bedside table I see another photo frame. I grab the photo frame and see a picture of a Sam and I when we went to LA and got the special effects  makeup. She was still the most beautiful girl even with all the hideous makeup on our faces.

I sit on her bed for a bit when I noticed I sat on something hard but small. I stand up to see a little black book with the words 'iDiary' written on the front. Who knew Sam would own a diary? I pick up the book and analyse it for a bit. Should I or should I not snoop? Okay... I will. But, just this once.

June 6th
Crushes like to Crush me; Having a crush for me.. is like dropping 5 pounds of bacon onto someone. Heavy, I know. But I'm not kidding... crushes like to crush me. As if it were their stupid job. But I can't help it, crushes choose me. I don't choose them. Did you think I wanted to crush on the queen of nubs? -(Am I seeing things? Is Sam maybe talking about me)- Obviously not. But he is just so adorable and sweet and kind and all things lovely. But he's too hooked over Carly that he has no time to focus on what's in front of him.

I was about to read the next part until I was stopped by a shriek. "FREDDIE?!"

GUESS WHO'S BACK?! I DECIDED TO RE-WRITE FOR YOU GUYS AAAAGH! But I'm so much older now ahaha. I missed you guys! I'm sorry you guys had to wait like a year for an update! I'll try and update regularly though! But I really hope to boost my reads so that's why I'm writing again! I also just missed writing seddie. I've also changed my username so do not be alarmed ty x (and guess what? Someone may or may not have gotten a bf in the past year)


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