One-Shot no. 81: iTend my Aunt Flo

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So I got this idea off one of the one-shots on which I cannot get the link to because I cannot find it and/or I cannot be stuffed. I'll just the put the link of the whole one-shot series in the comments. Anyway, enjoy!

Normal POV

Freddie Benson woke up, happy and already to start a brand new week. He looked over to his right and saw his girlfriend wrapped up in her blankie from when she was 5 and the teddy bear Freddie got her during their date at the carnival. Sam named him Fredbear.

Freddie leaned over to his girlfriend and kissed her cheek before cheerfully skipping through the hallway into his and Sam's kitchen. Seconds later, Sam followed with a grumpy look on her face.

"Morning baby!" Sam groaned. "Do you want to be any louder?! You're going to wake up the entire population of Seattle! Yeesh!" Freddie was very confused. He just stood there with one eyebrow raised. 

"I'm sorry Sam. Um, would you like some eggs? Or how about bacon? Or maybe we could have those ham and cheese omelettes wrapped in bacon with those hot chocolate marshmallows. And for lunch we could-" 


Sam fell onto her knees and just broke into tiny little sobs while clutching onto her blankie. Freddie was now beyond confused. He slowly bent down to Sam and hugged her softly, hoping he wouldn't make her go angry again. 

"I'm sorry Sam. I didn't mean to make you fat. But guess what? You're beautiful, your hips might have gone bigger, but they're part of you which makes me love them. And they're so curvy which is a huge turn on for me." Sam kissed Freddie deeply and stared lovingly into Freddie's eyes.

"You are so sweet Freddie! I am so lucky to have an amazing, handsome boyfriend like you Fredcutie. I'm still tired, I'm going back to bed. Wake me up soon handsome." Freddie was now more than confused. This is one of the few times he has felt stupid or dumb. 

He didn't think Sam was pulling an act. And he didn't think Sam was trying to get revenge. He's been doing everything but being a bad boyfriend to her. His last opinion was that Sam might of have her Aunt Flo visiting... but, she usually acts normal when she does. 

Although, Freddie did have one last thought. I think I'm hallucinating. 


1 and a half hours later, Sam woke up feeling upset again. She walked out of her's and Freddie's shared bedroom with Fredbear in her arms and tears strolling down her face. Freddie looked up from the couch and walked over to her with opening arms. 

"Hey Sammy, are you feeling okay?" Sam was furious again. She pulled out of Freddie's embrace and threw Fredbear at him. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY? I'M FREAKING CRYING AND YOU'RE JUST STANDING THERE LIKE AN IDIOT ASKING ME, '...are you feeling okay?'. GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH NUB!" 

Freddie did a big gulp and hurried off to the kitchen. He bent down, behind the kitchen bench and whipped out his phone and began dialing Carly's number frantically. "Hey Freddie, what's-"

"SAM HAS GONE CRAZY! First, she's angry. Then, she's upset. And then, she's all romantic! What did you guys do during your girl's day in because you made my girl turn into a lunatic! Remember Nora, Mandy and hair bows?" 

Carly was confused. "Um, Nora the psychopath, Mandy the obsessive fan and hair bows the obnoxious Creddie fan with the weird lisp at webicon?" She could picture Freddie nodding his head vigorously. 

"Uh-huh. Sam has become worst than the 3 girls combined! Now tell me! What did you guys do yesterday?!" Carly thought for a bit. After a few seconds, she knew the answer and just laughed. "This is no laughing matter Shay! My girlfriend has gone crazy and-" 

Freddie looked up from behind the counter and saw Sam sitting on the couch, watching cartoons, giggling. "And now she's all happy watching cartoons giggling! What is wrong with Sam?!" Carly sighed and shook her head. 

"Alright, as you know, Sam had stomach cramps yesterday and she wanted to spend the day with me since you were working. Yeah, she realised that Aunt Flo visited and sometimes, girls will have major mood swings every once in a while. Sam is the type of girl to have frantic mood swings like this every  year or something. While I on the other hand, get these type of mood swings all the time."

Freddie gagged. "I don't need to hear about your Aunt Flo but thank you! Anyway, what should I do?" Carly smiled through the phone. "All you gotta do is be a supportive boyfriend and give her whatever she needs... I suggest blocks of chocolate, warm fuzzy socks, different genres of movies, several bottles of root beer and an electric blanket."

Freddie rolled his eyes. Girls. He thought. "Okay, thanks Carls." He hit the end call button and walked over to Sam who was sleeping peacefully on the couch. He quickly kissed her forehead before grabbing his wallet and keys then heading straight for the front door.


Sam woke up another 2 hours later and noticed the apartment was empty. Seconds later, Freddie walked through the door with a handful of bags. "Oh good. You're awake." Sam was confused. "What's all that?"

Freddie smiled. "And you back to normal. Anyway, I called Carly and wondered why you have been all moody. She said it was because of Aunt Flo and she said that all I need to do is to be a supportive boyfriend and buy you all this chiz."

Freddie reached into his bags and took out everything then placed it gently onto the coffee table. "A dozen blocks of chocolate, a pair warm fuzzy socks with prints of ham all over them, 'The Journal' and 'Isabelle', root beer and an electric blanket and again, has hams printed all over."

Sam got off from her lying down position and hugged Freddie as tight as possible. "I didn't need all of this. But thank you." She then kissed Freddie softly but passionately. 


Well there you go! Another one-shot in for you guys. I know this one is kind of, less romantic but I just wanted to get the idea out of my head. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-jeeesssiii ☯

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