One-Shot no. 28: iKids, to Adults

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So this is just Sam and Freddie when they were younger playing to when they're older! 
To be honest. This one-shot is crappy!


Normal POV

It was just a week after Sam and Freddie met. And their friendship has been... interesting. Pam and Marissa had sometimes put in baby monitors and video cameras in Freddie's room spyed on them. And sometimes, the two kids allow their mothers to video tape them for home videos. Pam and Marissa took 5 year old Sam and Freddie to the park as usual. The mothers sat on a bench talking while Freddie took Sam's hand and dragged her somewhere. When they got there, Sam looked around the place. It was beautiful

"WOAH! It's so pretty!" Sam laughed.

"But you're pwettier." Sam and Freddie blushed then Sam kissed his cheek. 

"What is this place?" Sam asked curiously.

Freddie smiled. "This is just a small meadow that i love to play in. C'mon, sit.."

Sam sat down then blurt out the most random but sweetest question. "Freddie, will you ever leave me?"

Freddie hugged Sam and pulled her onto his tiny lap. "Nope. Some day, we're gonna go to the same school together, then the same high school, then the same uni-, uni- college thing and we're also gonna be boyfwiend and girlfwiend and get married and live happily ever after!" 

Sam smiled. "You wanna marry me?" 

Freddie smiled back. "Yes! You're vewy pwetty and nice and a gweat fwiend." 

Sam laughed. "What happened to your 'R's Fweddie" Sam teased.

"I lost my tooth wemember?" Sam kissed his cheek again. 

"Don't wowwy, it's cute!" 

Their mum's called them saying it was time to go. They decided to head back to Sam's place since they never been there. Sam's house was a beautiful white 2 storey house with a nice garden, lovely looking inside and everything. 

"Wow Sam, you're wich!" Freddie exclaimed. (A/N rich)

"Nah. Not really. Hey mum, can Freddie sleep over?! PLEEAASE?!" Sam asked.

Pam smiled. "Well only if Marissa and Freddie allow it then it's fine." 

Marissa kneeled down to Freddie. "You wanna sleepover Freddie-Bear?"

Sam giggled at his nickname. Freddie nod violently. "Ok, well Bushwell is only a 5 minute walk so i'm going to go and walk to the apartment and get Freddie's stuff ready. I'll see you in a bit!" The Mrs Benson left.

Mrs Puckett went to the kitchen to get dinner ready while Sam and Freddie raced up the stairs to Sam's room. They entered the room and Freddie was amazed. Her room was light purple and blue. She had stuffed toys in a corner, a toy box in another corner, her big green bed, a beauty table and a shelf. On the shelf Freddie found the flower that he gave Sam a few days ago and the picture his mother took of them two. 

"Your woom is nice!" Sam giggled. 

"Thanks!" Freddie looked around and saw a small guitar and a piano. "You play music?"

Sam smiled and walked over and picked up her guitar. "Yeah! I suck though. My mum said i'm good. I just need practise!"

Freddie got an idea. "Can you play a bit?"

Sam got really scared and had a few tears in her eyes. "No. I'm too shy and scared. I only peform for  my mummy."

Freddie instantly ran over to her and hugged her so tightly. "I'm sowwy. You don't need to play if you don't wanna. But when we're older, you're playing it fow meeeeee!" - (A/N, the 'fow', 'sowwy' and meeeeee are purposely like that).

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