One-Shot no. 11: iFind This All Perfect

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So, i need to re-write this because it all got deleted! FREAKING HELL! I barely remember it! Now, i got this fanfic inspired by the Cimorelli music video to "That Girl Should Be Me". I didn't get inspired by the lyrics but the scene which is during Katherine's fantasy which is also in media. 

Sam's POV

I'm at the park at mine and Freddie's special spot next to the wishing well. Yes me and Freddie are dating and we're gonna have a special 1 month anniversary picnic date. It's pretty simple but it's romantic for us. Because, we're Sam and Freddie, Freddie and Sam. We're not like every other 17 yr old couple. We're different and unique. 

It starts getting windy, really windy. Heavy breezes gush through me which cause me to shiver a lot. I'm only in a tank top, jeans, Doc Martens and also a Cross necklace that Freddie gave me. When he handed me the necklace, he said "I pray for our love to never end and go on forever and ever". He's also not like every other boyfriend. He's different in his own nubby and nerdy way. I find it cute though.

I get colder and colder by the minute. I walk over to the wishing well, and throw a coin in. I watch it go down to the endless bottom. I look up from the wishing well to feel a jacket wrapping around me, then a pair of arms, snaking my body. I then feel trails of small but sweet kisses along my neck, my jawline and the side of my face. I turn around to see Freddie smiling down at me. I smile back.

F: Happy anniversary Sam! I know a picnic in the park isn't much but it's still romantic. I also didn't buy a present which i thought might've been a bad idea but i just couldn't, i'm sorry

He looks down, he seems upset thinking that he let me down for not taking me out to a fancy restaurant and/or for not buying me a present. Honestly, i don't care. I rather be alone with Freddie and have him say "I love you" as my present. That, is what i call a present.

S: All i care about is that you're on this date and that we're alone and not in some fancy resturant. And the present, doesn't matter, as long as you love me then, i'm happy

F: I love you so much Sam. Take every blade of grass in the whole world, every grain of sand that's in the world, every fingers and toes on Earth and Sam, that's only a sample of how much i love you. I love you, i never want to lose you.

I feel myself blush at what he said. I put my forehead to his and just smile at him. I kiss him ever so sweetly and he kisses back.

S: Freddie, i love you more then i could ever tell you. It's hard to put it in words but if you were me, you'd realise how much i love you

Freddie just smiles at my response. He kisses me again and i kiss back. This is perfect. I have the most perfect moment, most perfect outfit which includes Freddie's Varsity, most perfect date, most perfect location, most perfect boyfriend and most perfect of all, most perfect relationship. I just find this all perfect. All thanks to Freddie and him being mine and only my boyfriend. He makes everything perfect.


The one that i wrote at the start was better but hey.... Wattpad decided to be and f***ing a$$hole and delete my work! Oh yeah, it saved the title though! EUGH! Sorry for any mistakes and for my language.

-callmeprada ☯

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