One-Shot no. 1: iAm Sam's First Valentine

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Ok, so, my friend said something about iCarly and when i was younger i would watch it all the time and i'm still young! 12 years is young! My friend is turning 13, i have to right to watch it! Anyways,  i was never able to get the full episodes of iOmg, iLost My Mind, iDate Sam & Freddie, iCan't Take It and iLove you....... when i found the episodes......... i was like.......... iOMG! (see what i did there?! hey, hey?) Anyway....... i KINDA grew out of my old OTP which is JcPenny (Jenn McAllister and Jc Caylen) but anyways, here ya go!


 Sam's POV

Today is Valentine's Day and i'm gonna be spending it alone. Like always, Carly would always go on dates and i don't know about Fredbag but i do wish he was here because well, if we didn't break up this would've been out first Valentine's together and i wouldn't be lonely and oh my gosh i still love him! But now i'm in LA living with my friend Cat Valentine and today is her name day thingy-ma-bobby and she's going out tonight with her family but right now, her and Robbie are on a date. I'm always lonely on Valentine's Day. Not once, i've ever recieved a Valentine. But today, i'm gonna ignore that fact it's Valentine's Day and just ki- 

*door bell; ding dong*

Sam: *Gets up and opens the door* What the heck? No ones- *looks down and sees a box* Huh? To: Princess Puckett. So it's for me. *closes door and sits on the kitchen counter* 

So, i have a parcel for me! I wonder what's in it. I open the box and there's all this foam hearts and glitter which makes me puke but hey, it's my first Valentine EVER so might as well appreciate it. I take out all the hearts and glitter to find another box. I open that box to find a picture of the iCarly gang all framed up in a black chalk-board frame. I also got chalk for the frame. Besides that was 2 other boxes. Man this person loves their boxes. One box was a box of Belgian chocolates which had special engravings about me and the other box was a small black box. In that small black box was a silver heart locket with a simple blue jewel in the middle (A/N under media). Under the necklace was a little note which said..... "The locket may just be a necklace but in a way it resembles you. It's simple but beautiful just like you and the blue crystal matches your sparkly eyes." . Aww, that's sweet. That's not all though, there's one more thing. It's just a card though. I open up the card and all it says it "For the best Valentine's Day ever, look behind you". And all i could think of was 'huh?'. But I still turned around and when i did i saw Freddie holding a single red rose. A single red rose meant "I love you". I quickly got out of my seat and ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug ever! Then eventually had to let go so that he could speak.

Freddie: Happy Valentine's Day Princess Puckett!

Sam: Did you send me those? And what are you doing her in LA?

Freddie: Yeah, i did send you those and i came to LA to surprise you of course! Because............................................... I love you.....

Sam: I love you too!

Freddie: Aww really?  'Cause I begged my mum-

Sam: You mean Crazy?

Freddie: *laughs* Yes her and she said i could stay for two whole months! And might as well come now so i can do something....

Sam: And that is?

Freddie: *gets down on one knee* Will you be my girlfriend again?

Sam: Of course I will! *jumps into his arms and kisses him*

Freddie: *pulls away* Wow, since when did you get all soft?


Freddie: You're already gonna use it on your boyfriend?

Sam: Ha ha ha *sarcasm* no i won't! Because I love you!

Freddie: I love you too! *kiss her*

Cat: Naww! *walks in on them*

Sam: GET OUT! *screams violently*

Cat: AAAAAAAAAGH! *runs away*

Freddie: That's the Sam I know and love! *hands her the rose and kisses her one last time* but be a bit nicer Sam...

Sam: Not a chance Fredweird!

Cat's POV

Note to self; Never walk in and say "aww" when Sam is kissing Freddie...... NEVER


Ok, first one-shot done! FINALLY! It's kinda deleted in the first place and i was thinking of doing something else but yeah didn't. Hope you enjoyed and imma make more soon! Oh and the locket is under media!

-callmeprada ☯

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