One-Shot no. 67: iHave Trust Issues

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OH MY GOSH! IT'S BEEN SO LONG! And I apologise for that. I've been running out of ideas and have been super busy with school. Year 8 is fucking hard in Australia. Ahaha, anyway, thank you guys for being patient with me. I hope you guys enjoy!


Freddie's POV

Sam and I are sitting on the couch at her apartment. My mum finally accepted my relationship with Sam... after 4 months of persuading. So anyway, we're just sitting there talking about the past. We barely had these talks. It was nice.

"So anyway when I was about 7 years old, I would always dance when I hear music and so my mum arranged me to have dance lessons and then my dance teacher said I had a gift and that I should use that gift of mine for concerts or talent quests. So my mum decided that Pageants were the best thing. I hated it so much but really, I secretly loved it. When I do pageants, I actually felt pretty." It was hard when Sam talks negatively about herself. She says she wants to be perfect and beautiful and smart even though she's all those things without realising. "Do you want to go back into pageants?" Sam shook her head furiously. "Oh god no. I hate them now. In a way... it's just a feminist thing."

I nod my head to agree. There was a 10 second silence. In that 10 seconds, I thought about how I barely know Sam and how I'd love to get to know her more. I mean, she's my girlfriend and I deserve to know more about her past and just her in general. "Hey Sam?"

Sam turned her head to me. "Yeah?" I looked down at my lap then looked back up to her. "Tell me about yourself. Like stuff that no one knows and maybe... only I could know..." Sam had a blank expression on her face. Shit! I made this to awkward for her.

She finally spoke. "Uh, I don't know Freddie. It's kind of too personal for me to talk about stuff no one knows about. I don't know why you should be asking that." OH SHIT! I definitely stuffed up our relationship now. "You're right. I'm so sorry. I guess, I uh... should get going."

I got off the couch and picked up my jacket and slipped on my shoes. Just as I was about to head out the door. Sam yelled. "WAIT!" I instantly turned my body around to face her. Her eyes were slightly glossy and she had a half scared, half desperate expression on her face.

"Please stay. Don't go. I'll tell you everything! Just please stay!" She said in such a soft voice, barely above a whisper. I walked over to her and pulled her onto my lap. It hurt to see my girl cry. "Oh baby, I can never leave you."

Sam finally stopped crying after what felt like 10 hours but was only 10 minutes. "Ok, well. I guess I should tell you everything." I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer and tighter to me. "You don't need to. It's your personal stuff that I don't need to know right now. Tell me when you're ready okay? I just wanted to get to know you better. That's all. But if you are seriously not ready, I can wait... we can wait."

Sam gave me a small smile and softly kissed my cheek. "No Freddie. I'll tell you something now." I just nod my head and kissed her temple. "Well, I have trust issues. Ever since I was like 3 years old I had trust issues." I looked at her confusingly. "You don't mind if I ask why you had trust issues?"

She shook her head and sighed before continuing talking. "It was because of my parents. They said to me that they love each other very much and will be here for me and Melanie when I need them. We even did the Sammy Puckett swear. Except, they broke their promise and started fighting and then one night, I was going to get a glass of milk when I saw my dad leaving out the door with a duffel bag. I asked him where he was going and all he said was 'away'. I never saw him again."

I hugged Sam even tighter now and just let her tears pour out for the second time tonight. I finally understood why she didn't want to tell me about her personal life, and it was because of her parents and her trust issues. I feel like such a dick for trying to get in her personal life. Even though I'm her boyfriend, there are some things even I can't know.

"Thank you Freddie." I smiled and kissed her hair. "Anytime Sam."

__________________________________________________________________OH FINALLY! Again, I'm so sorry for the very late update! I'm going to be making it up to you guys by updating the rest of my stories. At least I got this one done. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-jeeesssiii ☯ (As you already know by now, I don't use the underscores to sign off at the end of my chapters)

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