One-Shot no. 87: iHave Dinner with Our Mums

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DID YOU HEAR?! NATHAN KRESS IS A SOON-TO-BE DADDY!! At first I was a little iffy about it but now, I'm really happy. But I'm still shook. This is big news. The iCarly cast have officially grown up (well, 1/5 has). Also follow my Instagram, @/mccurdycosgrovekress & my Twitter, @/icarlycastfans. Also check out my for more fanfics, @/aestheticfanfic


Sam and Freddie were cuddling on Freddie's bed. He was lazily drawing patterns and shapes on his girlfriend's arm while she was gently stroking his chest with one finger. They weren't speaking. That very moment was too perfect. They had just gotten back together after the fight about the whole N.E.R.D Camp application. Well technically they didn't break up but it sure felt like it to them.

Silence wasn't exactly Sam's best friend. She wasn't going to lie, the silence between the two at this moment was absolutely incredible since she was cuddling with her most favourite person ever. But she felt the need to break the ice and talk. I mean, they did almost break up. "Freddie?"

Freddie looked down at his girlfriend. "Yeah Sam?" Sam took a deep breath in. "I'm so sorry about the whole N.E.R.D Camp thing. I was only thinking of myself at the time. And now your mum hates me even more." Freddie sat up and pulled Sam along with him. "How many times do I have to tell you? It's okay! I wouldn't have wanted to go anyway." Sam cocked her head to the side. "You're kidding me right? This was your dream! This was going to help you get into M.I.T! You know, that dream school of yours?"

Freddie just laughed. "Yeah well, that would've meant spending a whole month away from you... and I just can't do that." Sam looked down as her cheeks turned a crimson red. "You really are one sappy nub." Sam giggled as she leaned up to kiss her boyfriend. Freddie reciprocated and pulled Sam closer to his body whilst holding her tighter. They pulled away after five minutes. The couple rested their foreheads against each other, staring into their eyes lovingly. "But about my mum..." That ruined the mood.

Sam groaned as she pulled away from Freddie's forehead. "I get it; she doesn't like me!" Sam leaned back onto the bed. She really liked Freddie and she knew how much Freddie loved his mum even though she was a little bit crazy. Or a lot a bit crazy... but that was beside the point. Sam just wanted his family to accept her because she kind of wanted a future with Freddie. Even if he still was a nub.

"Well no, but she will give you a chance." Sam instantly shot up, intrigued. "What do you mean Freddifer?" Freddie shook his head at his nickname. Classic Sam. "Um, before you came over, my mum said she was willing to give you a chance." Freddie was acting so hesitant and Sam didn't know why. She was psyched that she might have a second chance on proving she was actually a good girlfriend if you didn't include the insults and beatings.

"Stop acting glum! This is great! I can prove to your batty mum I'm not all bad." Freddie stopped Sam and took her hand. She knew there was a catch. "Um, you see, the thing is... she wants to have dinner." Sam still didn't get it. She gave him a look saying 'and...?'. "She wants to have dinner with you and your mum." Now she understood. Now she knew why Freddie was being so hesitant.

It was a stupid idea. Sam's mum was the complete opposite of Marissa! Pam liked to where bikinis around a dirty house. Marissa found ways to cover up every bit of skin on her body and remove any bit of dirt in the house. "WELL I'M NEVER GOING TO PROVE MYSELF NOW!" Sam buried her face into Freddie's pillow, inhaling his scent. "Well, maybe you can talk to your mum?" Sam looked up at him as if he said the dumbest thing ever... well to Sam he did. "You're right. Sorry."

Sam sat up and placed her head on his shoulder. "This is so dumb you know." Freddie kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, I know."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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