One-Shot no. 44: iThink He's for Real

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IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE AN UPDATE! OMG! I'M SO SORRY! Oh, shout out/dedication to @morgan_-02 for voting on my stories! She encouraged me to keep updating which i thank! Anyway, enjoy this one-shot and check out my new Seddie story! It'll be on my profile and the link will be in the comments section! Oh and, this one-shot is kinda mature but not like it's restricted. Just PG. ENJOY! 

Sam's POV

I was walking out of class when a mob of the 'Popular Crowd' came up to me saying bad things about or to me. Usually i'd knock everyone out but for some reason, when all these comments were hitting me, my whole worlds stopped. And not in a good way. I felt like i was nothing to the world. Felt like i have no life, nobody. That's not true. I do have somebody. Freddie. Carly moved to Italy and we are still friends but the only person i really have now is Freddie, my boyfriend. 

I don't know why these comments put me down so much. I seriously don't. I usually fight for myself but today i didn't. I'm guessing you wanna know what type of comments were made? Well why not i just do a flash back? Ok.


"Hey Puckett! What are you doing here?" One of the head cheerleaders, Annie asked. "I go to school  here dipthong! What about you? This place ain't for sluts!" 

Then Geoff, the quaterback of the football team spoke up. "Oh shut it Samantha! No one likes you! You're so freaking ugly! You're so dumb! Which made sense because you're blonde and no guys likes you! Actually, no one likes you! Doubt Freddie actually likes you. He's probably dating you out of sympathy." 

Then Geoff's girlfriend Mikayla (who's Annie's best friend) started talking. "Oh Geoff! What you said was totes true! Hey, you guys think she's naturally fat or is preggers?" Everyone laughed. I'm not fat and definitely not preggers

Oh and the captain of the football team just had to comment! "Jeez Mikayla! Step back a bit. You're going too far. Just start off with how bad her personality is! God it's hideous! Including you face!" Everyone started laughing. And the captain of the cheerleading team (Virginia; i call her va- yeah, not gonna finish that word) came up to me and slapped me. That stung.

"Sam! Go away and get a life! You are nothing! You have nothing! You have nobody! JUST LEAVE!" Then everyone walked away.


And that's pretty much it. That's why i'm here, on the fire escape, crying and debating whether i should jump off or not. I decide i should. But then, i think about my life with Freddie. But then i think that it was just all a joke. Probably was. I decide not to jump. Maybe Freddie isn't just a joke. Maybe he is for real.


There will be a sequel for this! Don't you worry! 
Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯  


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