One-Shot no. 52: iAsk Her Out

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The sequel to 'iCrush on a Nub' is here! YAY! Oh and @Forever_Tanaya suggested this idea so thank you and enjoy! 

Freddie's POV 

It's been a week since I over heard Sam's little rant about how she has a crush on me. That day I was going to ask her out. But when I heard her... I knew it was best if I waited. So here I am, at her front door with a bouquet of red roses and among the bouquet of roses, were some pieces of bolivian bacon and chocolate covered bolivian bacon. 

I'm wearing semi-dressy clothes. A smart, plaid shirt with a bow tie and some dark washed semi-skinny jeans. My hair is slicked down and I'm wearing some Vans on my feet. I just hope she doesn't think I look dorky or- or.... nubby

I hesitantly put my hand to the door bell, just leaving it there to rest. You gonna just stand there with your hand on the door bell, looking like a nub or are you gonna ask out the girl of your dreams?! Man up Frednub! Well, my conscience is exactly like Sam. Nothing bad about that though. 

I finally become the man and press the door bell. I instantly feel regret gushing over me like a wave. I hear foot steps, charging to the front door. I then see the door knob shaking Are you really gonna narrate every single thing you see, hear and/or do? SHUT UP CONSCIENCE! 

The door then opens to reveal the beautiful blonde I've been crushing for so long. She's wearing her usual lazy day outfit. A tank top with sweat pants and socks. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail and she had her glasses on. I was the only person that knew about her glasses. Not even Carly knew. Just me. 

Once she takes a glance at me, she slightly smiles. A very cute and adorable one if I might add. "So Freddie, what brings you to my humble home?" I smile at her. She's just so freaking beautiful. "Can I come in?" Sam keeps the smile on her face and steps out of the way so that I can come inside.

"Ok, so you're inside, what's up Benson?" For some reason she's being a bit nicer then usual. Hmm, maybe she thought if she was nicer towards me, I'll like her back. I don't know. Just a thought. "Well you may or may not kill me for this but..." 

I get down on one knee and pull out the roses/bacon bouquet from behind me. Surprised she didn't realise I was hiding that behind my back. Anyway... "Will you, Samantha Puckett, go on a date with me? Fredward Benson?" 

I look at her face to see any change of expression. She went from a small smile to a wide grin. And I swear I saw a single tear roll down her left cheek. Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Then she kissed me like there was no tomorrow. Obviously I kissed back. Her arms slowly made their way to my neck. I put one arm around her waist and my other hand on her cheek. Our kiss was full of love and sweetness. It was soft and gentle but at the same time, passionate and a little playful too.We stayed like this for about 10 minutes. Until both of us needed air.

Once we both pull away, I gently rest my forehead against her's. I stare into those blue orbs and get lost in them. "So what do you say Sam? Yes?" Sam placed a small kiss on the tip of my nose then nodded her head. "Yeah dork. I'll love to go on a date with you."

We kiss one more time just for the sake of it. It was just the start of our new relationship.


Well wasn't that just a sweet one-shot?! Aww! Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯

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