One-Shot no. 82: iApologise

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This is my version of how Sam apologises to Freddie in iKiss after she admits to the world she has never kissed anyone. Enjoy!

Sam's POV

Wow. I honestly cannot believe I just did that for Freddie. I mean, sure he's cute and all but- OH MY GOSH! DID I CALL FREDDIE CUTE?! EW! GROSS!....

Yeah, you know what? I cannot keep this in anymore. Ever since Freddie moved opposite Carly. I had, some sort of admiration towards Freddie. And it slowly developed into this small, annoying crush. Ugh dang! Why does Freddie have to be so cute and adorable?! Aargh!

"Sam?" I see Freddie's head pop out of the fire escape. Oh shoot! Did I say that out loud? "Um, hey Freddie...." I say as I walk slightly closer to him until I reach the fire escape window. I stare down at the window sill. Freddie smiles and motions me to sit down on the window sill. 

I look out to the view of Seattle. It's gorgeous. Nights like these are rare. Where all the stars are out and Seattle just looks like... a paper town. All I can say is beautiful. "Seattle is gorgeous at night." Freddie turns his head to look at me. He smiles then nods. "Agreed."

I notice that Freddie pauses for a bit. Thinking of what to say next. He then looks at the ground sheepishly and I swore I could've seen blush. "But, Seattle's beauty is no where near your's." I softly gasp.

Freddie has been everything but mean to me tonight. Did he see the webcast? Probably not because, I don't see his laptop anywhere. Only his PearPod and the dock for it which right now is gently playing 'Running Away' by AM. 

AM is far from popular... but this song... this song is just... wow. I feel like me and Freddie just have some sort of connection with this song- and oh my gosh I have turned into Carly! I'm now a prissy pants who's afraid to touch kill a fly or something. 

"Did you- did you see the... um... did you see tonight's webcast?" Freddie shook his head no. "Nope. Was it special? Did you guys get a lot of viewers tonight?" I just shrugged. I didn't care if it was special. Or if we got over 1 million viewers or something. All I cared for was for Freddie to watch it. 

"Um, we didn't exactly get to finish uh, web show. I had to cut it short." Freddie looked at me confused. He knew I'm not the type of person to doing something like that. "Oh okay. I'll watch it tonight though." Freddie just flashes his adorable lopsided smile at me. I cannot help but blush.

"Is little miss Samantha Joy Puckett blushing? Aww, how cute." I blush harder. I mean... c'mon! Freddie just called me cute! That means something to me! "Ha ha Benson. But um, yeah. You should watch tonight's web show when you get the chance. It's pretty important."

There was an awkward silence between us. Neither of us would say anything or try to make a conversation. It was annoying and was making my mind go crazy. Thankfully, Freddie started speaking. "You know, I saw the webcast tonight right? I stood outside the iCarly studio and once Carly put up the picture of the man with shrimp up his nose... I bolted out here to the fire escape."

Was Freddie really there that whole time? How could I not of seen him when I first walked in. I was so confused. "I understand that you're confused but please listen. Thank you for doing that for me Sam. I never would have expected something like that from anyone but, it really made me happy and proud you did that. Thank you."

I smiled an hugged Freddie. He was being so sweet to me, even after all the terrible things I've done to him. Like telling the whole world he has never kissed a girl. Or that time I replaced his shampoo with blue cheese. Or even that time where I tried slamming Freddie into a door so it would open. I'm not perfect okay?!

I started thinking even more about the times where I was just nothing but a bully to him. It made my eyes water thinking about it. He's such a sweet guy and all I've been doing is pretty much ruining his life. 

I could feel my eyes stinging with tears. It really stung. Soon enough, the pain disappeared and the tears just ran freely down my face and onto Freddie's shoulder. I think Freddie felt the tears drip onto his shoulder because he sat up straight with his hands on my bicep. 

He took both of his hands off and gently stroked my tears with his thumb. He then kissed my forehead and snuggled me into his chest. "Hey there, it's okay. What's wrong?" I look up at Freddie. "Nothing. It's just that... Freddie, you are being incredibly sweet to me after this past week as been a terrible week for you and its's all my fault. It's always my fault."

Freddie pulled a small smile at me and kissed my forehead again. "So what if it is your fault? Sometimes, amazing things happen when it's your fault." I didn't believe him one bit! Since when did something amazing happen when I do something bad?!

"Oh yeah?! Name one time!" Freddie had an answer in less than a second. "Right now." I was absolutely stunned by the two words he had said. This, what we had right now in this very moment... was something amazing to him?"

"You may have done something that pretty much broke me  on the inside and out... but you apologized to me in front of a million people and you decided to come out here tonight just to see if I was okay." I blushed. "Well if you put it that way..." 

We both just started giggling and blushing. I then noticed our heads leaning forward. Getting closer and closer. Until...

Wait!! Never mind... I don't kiss and tell.

FINALLY AND UPDATE AFTER SO LONG! YAAAAS! But don't worry, my Summer break is just starting so that means frequent updates!! I'm so excited because I have a whole line of Christmas and New Year's chapters and one-shots on your guy's way! Sorry for any mistakes :)


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