One-Shot no. 18: iHear You Out

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This is the sequel to iBreak Up and @merrlljocson really wanted me to make the sequel as soon as i can so here it is! I'm also dedicating this fanfic to her! Enjoy!

 Freddie's POV

I woke up to a pounding head-ache, damp pillow, sticky face and a broken heart. I miss Sam so much but, she cheated on me. Well, she only kissed him. But still. She kissed him and it counts as cheating. I know for a fact that Sam is also a wreck. Carly had to stay over at Sam's last night comforting her. I wish that was me comforting her. I STILL LOVE HER! 

"Freddie, what's going on?" I heard Spencer walking down the stairs all groggy and half asleep.

I started getting teary. AGAIN! "I miss Sam! I shouldn't of dumped her! She's the best thing that's ever happened to me! She will be the only girl for me" By now i was a full water works. LOOK WHAT CARLY HAS TURNED ME INTO!

Spencer sighed. "Maybe you should hear her out. You said that you found out from her diary and not from her. She can't write every single detail. Maybe she forgot the most important things since she was so shocked from the kiss. Just hear her out. If it was all a mistake, get back together with her. If not, you could a) give her another chance or b) forget her. There are other fish in the sea.. Seattle! Hahaha, i'm so funny"

I stopped crying and smiled. "Thanks Spence. For everything. Hearing me out, comforting me, letting me stay and thank you for that speech. I'm gonna go now and talk to Sam. Thanks again Spencer" And with that, i walked out the door.


Sam's POV

I woke up not feeling good. My head hurts from staying up late, my throat hurts from eating too much junk food, my arm hurts since i've been sleeping on it all night but the most painful of all, my heart hurts. I wish Freddie could've just hear me out.. Hey, Carly doesn't even know what happened. Carly then wakes up and asks if i'm ok.

"Morning Sam. You okay now?" She yawns.

"I am. I decided i'm going to talk to Freddie" I say.

Carly smiles "That's good Sam. Want me to leave or something?"

"No, it's fine. You can stay. My mum will be home so don't worry. Stay if you wan-" I was interrupted. It was my mother.

"Sorry to interupt girls but i have a meeting to go to in 20 minute. Wow, ever thought that Pam Puckett would end up going to meetings? I've changed. Anyway so i'll leave you girls here. Is that alright?" Interrupted my mother.

"That's fine but i was wondering if i get ready now, can you drive me back to Bushwell Plaza? Sam is going to go and talk to Freddie." Explained Carly.

"Of course. Just quickly get ready or otherwise i'm leaving without you ok?" My mother joked.

"Thanks Ms Puckett" Carly ran out of my room to the bathroom to fix herself up.

My mother turned to me and started talking. "I'm proud of you. If Freddie doesn't want to get back together then, it's his lost. Ok Sam? Don't let a nub break your inner Sam Puckett. You're tough. You're strong. You're a fighter. But most important, you are a Puckett. Go get him Sam. But you might wanna fix youself up first"

I smiled at my mother and hugged her. I love it that she changed. Not completely though. "Thanks Ma for the speech. I needed it." 

Just as we broke apart Carly walked into the room. "Ok Ms Puckett, i'm ready! I'll just pack up the Break Up Bag then we can leave!" My mother gives Carly a thumbs up then left the room.

Carly turned to me and smiled. "You gonna be a okay?"  I nod in response. "Thanks a lot Carls. Without you, i would've been dead. I'm so happy that i have a friend like you." 

"Aww thanks Sam. I gotta go now. Your mum is waiting for-" My mum interrupted us once again.

"SAAAAAAM! SOMEONE IS AT THE DOOR FOR YOU! SOMEONE IMPORTANT!" My mum screamed. Me and Carly looked at each other then rushed down stairs. 

Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, we see my mum and.... FREDDIE?!?!

"Well, Carly, let's leave these two alone. I need to take you home now. Bye! Behave Sam" My mum waved bye and closed the door

"So, what brings you to my home?" I asked curiousy.

"Talk Sam. I never got to let you have te chance for you to explain your side of the story so talk" Freddie said in a gentle, calm voice.

"Ok. In English, the class had to write a short story about someone in our class with a chosen category. We picked the categories and people out of a hat. Hoping i'd get love and the person would've been you. But no. I got romance/drama and Pete. So i wrote that. It was homework and you know me, i love writing stories but this one way hard. I wrote it in my diary since i had no spare paper. The next day she forgot about the stories and so did i. I only remembered it yesterday. Freddie, i'd never cheat on you." I sighed. 

I look up to see Freddie with a guilty look on his face. He knew he screwed up bad.
"OH MY GOSH! I'm so sorry Sam. If only i heard you out yesterday, it would've saved us a lot of heart aches. I'm so sorry. I love you more then anything and i gues, i freaked out when i saw that short story. I do remember doing that. I got action and Gibby. Man was that hard. Please forgive me Sam" I see his face with hope and still a mixture of guilt.

I went straight forward and said... "No, i don't". You could tell he was hurt.

"What?! Sam i'm so sorry. What do you want me to do?" He had tears falling. Nub.

I laughed. "You really never let me finish do you? I'll only forgive you if you be my boyfriend again" Freddie smiled. I smiled back.

"There's nothing more i wanted then to get back together with you. Just remember that i'd never live myself because of what i did. I will be feeling guilty. I know that 10% of you don't forgive me. But that's ok. At least 90% does. I love you Sam"

"I love you too"


Sequel... DONE!
Sorry for any mistakes :)
Also, don't forget to comment, follow, vote and read my other stories!

-callmeprada ☯

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