One-Shot no. 64: iThought You Left

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Ok so I got this idea from a different one-shot on and I cannot find it! I just somehow remember it. Ok, enjoy!


Sam's POV

"I cannot believe you! You only care about yourself! Since when did you care about me or the kids?" I yelled at Freddie. "You guys are my whole world! It's you that gives no shit about us!" By now I was fuming. I bet you're really confused. I'll tell you.

Ok. I was at the mall and I saw this sale at Marty's Meats. You remember Marty? Spencer's ex-personal assistant? Well yeah, now he owns a very popular meat shop here in Seattle.

So I went inside and it was 75% off everything! So I pretty much bought everything using Freddie's credit card since mine is completely wiped. He doesn't know I have his card.

Anyway, I bought pretty much everything and went home with a handful of bags that had meat in it. Once I got home, Freddie found out that his card was wiped and so was his bank account. That's when we started fighting.

Now here we are, in the middle of our living room, fighting. I'm sure the kids could hear us. "If that's what you think then fine!" I raced up to the bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Once I got into the bedroom, I crawled into the bed and just stayed there. I knew I wasn't going to be getting out of bed anytime soon so what I did was just cry myself to sleep then wake up whenever I feel like it.


I wake up the next morning feeling groggy, tired and dejected. Freddie and I's fight kept on replaying in my head non-stop. I went to bed last night and not once did Freddie come into our room. Nor did the kids.

I stepped outside the room and walked down the stairs hoping that Freddie was on the couch or was cooking breakfast with/for the kids. But no, they were not downstairs.

That's when I panicked. I ran back up the stairs and checked all the rooms or possible hiding places. No person or clue was in sight. That's when it hit me. They left me.

I ran back down the stairs and looked outside the front window. Freddie's car was gone which definitely meant that they did leave me. I walked over to the couch and crawled into a ball and just sobbed and sobbed until no more sobs, tears and/or cries could dare to stream out of my eyes and down my face.

Since I was pretty much crying the pacific ocean, I didn't noticed the front door open until someone said something. "Mummy?! What's wrong?!" I saw my 4 year old girl run up to me and hug me.

"I- I- I thought you left me!" Freddie then came into the room. "What on earth are you talking about Sam?! Why would I ever leave you?! I mean, sure we fight but who said I'm going to leave you?! I am so in love with you, there is no way I could be mad at you for more then 5 minutes."

I ran over to Freddie and kissed him fully on the lips. He kissed back while embracing me in his arms. This told me that I was so freaking loved and that Freddie is just the perfect husband and father.


Wow! Another shit one! I'm so sorry for the shit one-shot guys! I promise that they will get better once I get more ideas. Also I am watching 'Pitch Perfect 2' tomorrow (Saturday the 9th) and I am so freaking excited! And by looking at the trailers and spoilers... JECA (Jesse and Beca) IS A THING! AAAAGH! I'll shut up now... I'm just... AAAAGH! Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯  

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