One-Shot no. 7: iGo on the Date

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Freddie's POV

So Sam had agreed to go on a date with me and kissed me not once but TWICE! I'm guessing she's in love with me? Or even has some sort of feelings towards me that are more than friends. I'm getting ready. I'm wearing a dress shirt and tie, casual jeans, a blazer and convereses. I quickly texted her to dress fancy. She texted back saying ok. It's an hour 'tl 6. I have time to watch TV and finish unpacking. And i even bought her a single red rose and an anchor necklace.

Sam's POV

I'm getting ready for my date. I'm wearing a simple purple dress with a belt, ankle strap flats, i have a kitty cat purse and i'm wearing purple eyeshadow and pink lipgloss. Oh and my hair is just curly. It's 6:05pm and there's a knock on the door. It's Freddie. He's just staring at me with his jaw dropped and drooling.

F: OH WOW! You look so beautiful Sam! Here's a rose and a small gift.

S: *blushes* Thanks Freddie! *opens up small box and see's the necklace* Oh Freddie! The necklace is beautiful! And the rose.... means-

F: I love you Sam...

S: I love you too Freddie *kisses freddie and freddie kisses back*


FINISHED! It's short i know but my last chapter was long so.....
Oh and outfits in comment section!

-callmeprada ☯

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