One-Shot no. 56: iMeet the Dad

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I got the idea from this link:
Links down below! Enjoy!

Freddie's POV

I'm on my way to Sam's house. I asked her out on a date after school and she said yes! Now I'm here taking her on the date! Yes I'm nervous but I am excited.

Now, before you get confused, Sam's dad is actually here. Whenever Sam said she doesn't know where her father is... she's lying. She didn't want to mention that her father was overseas being serving his time at a military camp. He used to be in the military for 3 years. I guess that's where Sam got her toughness from. G.I. Sammy.

I was utterly confused when she finally mentioned about her dad. She would always lie because she misses him so much. He was gone for about twelve years. He left when Sam just turned three. He didn't want to leave then, but he had to.

When Sam turned fifteen, her mother gave her the best gift ever... her father. She opened the front door and her dad (Andrew) appeared. Sam was in tears. She then screamed out "DADDY!" and attacked him in a huge hug.

Now, I'm gonna have a real chat with him. About Sam. Because all dad's are like that. They try to scare their date away then leave the girl heartbroken. Hopefully this won't be the case...


Andrew's POV

"Can you guys believe it?! Freddie finally asked me out and we're going on a date tonight! Eeek! Oh and dad... please do not scare Freddie away! He's special to me. Usually no boys are. SO DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME!" I chuckle.

"I won't scare Freddie away Sammy. We'll just have a manly chat." I then mumble, "About all the chiz he's not allowed to do." Pamela (Sam's mum... Pam for short) whacked my arm.

She pulled me over to the kitchen and start hissing at me about not to scare Freddie and to be nice and gentle since he is Sam's first love... wait... LOVE?! "Yes Andrew! Love! Samantha's 15. I think she can fall in love if she wants to. Now, go over there and be polite for when Freddie arrives. I just need to do Sam's hair and makeup which shouldn't take long."

We walked back over to Sam who was happily dancing. Usually I would complain about her outfit but, she looks really... pretty. Watching her spin in her purple dress, her black vest and her black wedged looking shoes... she was happy. I probably shouldn't ruin this for her... but I'm her father and all fathers have to do this. Even if I end up causing Freddie to lock himself up in his bedroom.

"Ok Sammy. We still need to fix your hair and makeup." Sam groaned. Sure she's acting all girly right now but she still is Sam Puckett. Pam dragged her upstairs to her room when I heard a sudden knock. Ah. Freddie. I've seen this kid before in pictures and I have talked to him and Carly since Sam wanted me to finally meet them.

I open the door to reveal Freddie. He's just in a buttoned up shirt with the first three buttons undone , striped tie, jeans and sneakers. Classy but casual at the same time... I like that. "Oh hi Mr Puckett. I'm here to pick up Sam for our date." I look in his hands to find a bouquet of several flowers. The only ones I know that are in that bouquet are roses and daisies. Oh, and they're pink. Bad choice. It's like he doesn't even know Sam.

"Um? Mr Puckett? Is that alright with you if I can come inside?" I went with the first word that came to my head. "No." Freddie had a look of rejection on his face. I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around to see Pam there with her arms crossed tapping her foot. She looked over to Freddie and smiled.

"Oh Freddie just ignore him. Come inside. Sam's just finishing herself. She's being all stubborn with me and wanting to look perfect and beautiful for you." Of course. "Well Mrs Puckett, please tell Sam that she always looks so perfect and beautiful." Oy.

I look over to see Pam placing a hand over her heart and having a "Aww you're so sweet" expression on her face. "That's so sweet Freddie. I'll go tell her that and please... call me Pam. Or Pamela." She then ran upstairs to go check on Sam.

I look back to Freddie and give him a stern look. Freddie just takes a huge gulp. "Ok, Freddie. You are about to take my daughter on a date. I expect this date to be the date of her life. I want her to come home and be all happy. Not all upset or 'meh' about it." Freddie nods vigorously. 

"Yes sir. I understand sir." I nod. "Now. I'm just going to give you a few rules. Rule number 1! No talking unless I say so. Rule number 2! You may kiss, hug, cuddle, hold hands and all that chiz but NO sexual activities. I will find you if you do any sexual activities with my Sammy. Rule number 3! Don't go breaking my Sammy's heart. If you do I will find you and hunt you down and make sure you won't be able to see daylight AGAIN!"

I see Freddie with his eyes shut really tightly. He winces at my tone. I'm only trying to be serious with him. "Yes sir. I will follow all three rules." Even though he just broke one. "I DIDN'T SAY SPEAK!" He winces and shuts his eyes harder.

I hear heels walking down the stairs which meant that was Sam and her mother. Once the two women get down to the bottom of the stairs, they see Freddie wincing and pretty much tearing. They both gasp and both glare at me. Sam runs over to Freddie and tries to calm him down while Pam hisses at me.

"What have I told you about scaring Freddie?! I said NOT to! But you go ahead and did it anyway! I'll be doing all the talking now thank you!" Pam dragged me upstairs and left me there. Maybe scaring the poor boy wasn't such a good idea.

Sam's POV

I hear my mother hissing at my father for scaring Freddie. He was pretty scared. Great! Now Freddie will ever come back to date me! And after 3 years of crushing and pining on him... he finally asks me out then won't ever ask me out again since my own freaking father pretty much scared him to death! Forget about those scary movies I forced him to watch! This was worst.

"Freddie, I'm so sorry about my father. He's just trying to be a father. I didn't think he'd scare you this much. Please tell me we can still go on this date and maybe form a... beautiful relationship between us. I just... really like you and I don't want to let go after 3 years of crushing."

Freddie's body softens a bit but is still tense. He opens his eyes and looks into mine. Those beautiful brown eyes! I see him smile which makes me smile. Oh my gosh that smile! "I really like you too. And of course the date is still on. Which reminds me," Freddie pulled something from behind his back. A bouquet of pink flowers. Usually pink isn't me but... they were perfect. "Ta-da! Sorry they're pink. That's all that was left really. And Sam? You look absolutely amazingly breath-taking."

I just blush at Freddie's comment. Maybe if my dad hadn't scared him, Freddie wouldn't have admitted that he really likes me too. I guess I had to give props to my dad.

Apologies that it's a little suckish. Best I could do. Sorry for any mistakes :) Oh and don't forget to check the links down below.

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯  

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