One-Shot no. 15: iBreak Up

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! I said i was gonna do a Christmas Eve special... which i am just after i write this one.
Also, don't forget to comment, follow, vote and read my other stories! Enjoy!
P.S. there will be afew bad words

Freddie's POV

Sam and I are just hanging out at the park where our special spot is next to the wishing well. I have my back against the tree and Sam's head is resting on my lower half. I'm gently stroking her hair while she's reading a book. That's one of Sam's guilty pleasures. She's always enjoyed reading and writing and is very good in English. Besides music, Sam enjoys reading like i said before. She's in the middle of "Treasure Island". A classic. Next to me is Sam's backpack, i see a book with the words
on the front. I see Sam get up to go get us some ice cream from the ice cream truck. This is my chance to look in the book. I open the cover to see a cover page saying 
                                            Sam's Diary
Should i? I debate with myself and i figured... i should, i am her boyfriend afterall. I open the diary to some random page and see the date 30/11. Last month. I read it and gasp to what it says...

Dear Diary,
Freddie and I have been dating for 5 months now and i'm enjoying it. Although i did make the biggest mistake of my life. I accidently bumped into Pete one day and we started talking. Then we ended up kissing. Well, i just stood there awkwardly while he leaned in to kiss me. I don't know why i didn't stop him. I just didn't. I know if i tell Freddie he's going to yell at me and we'll have a huge fught, maybe break up. So i'm never gonna tell him this. If he does ending up finding out then he will break up with me. Depending how long it has taken him to find out. Back to me and Pete. After i kissed Pete, i explained to him that i was dating Freddie. He repeativly apologized but i just walked away with a guilty feeling. I didn't stop him, i didn't push away.... i kissed BACK! Worst bit of all, Freddie had a romantic dinner all set up for me when i got home. He told me how much he loves me and he also that i'd never cheat on him or he'd never cheat on me. He just had to say that. I screwed up BIG time. Let's just hope he NEVER finds out.
Sam Puckett xoxo

I was beyond mad right now! When Sam got back she had a huge smile on her face with the ice creams. I threw them out of her hand and she became shocked.

Sam: Why'd you do that?!?!

Freddie: Why'd you cheat on with Pete?!?!

Sam: What are you- is that my diary?!

Freddie: Yeah! And thank god i read it! If i hadn't, i wouldn't of found out that you and Pete KISSED!

Sam: So?!?! You went through my privacy!

Freddie: I don't give a shit! You cheated on me! If you told me that day i would've gotten mad but i would still be your boyfriend anymore! That's right Sam, WE'RE DONE! I'M SICK OF YOU! YOU NEVER OPEN UP TO ME! I'M YOUR BOYFRIEND, NOT YOUR MOTHER WHO'S A PIECE OF SHIT! 

Sam was sobbing. I don't f*cking care right now! She cheated on me. Obviously i'll freak out. And it's a month later since that "incident".

Sam: Ok, 1. Don't talk about my mother like that! and 2. I WAS SCARED FREDDIE! I'm sorry.... so sorry! Give me another-

Freddie: No. Goodbye Sam. Enjoy Pete's lips! I knew dating you was a mistake.

And with that i walked off. I looked over my shoulder to see Sam on her knees sobbing. Like i said, i don't f*cking care anymore. 

Sam's POV

I ran back home and tried to find my special scissors that Jade got me. They're so sharp it could cut stright through you. I find the scissors and start cutting my wrist. It hurts like shit. After 3 cuts i stopped. I washed the cuts and dried them. I went into bed and cried. I heard a knock on the door hoping it's my mum. My mum had actually changed after the therapy sessions. She's a better woman now. I open the door to see Carly. Although i wished it was my mother, Carly was the next best option.

She pulled me into a hug and i cried in her arms. I notice she has a bag with her. THE BREAK UP BAG!

Carly: I got....
- 4 packs of Cookie Dough
- Crappy movies
- Cake Mix
- Chocolate
- Ice Cream
- Soda
- Chips
- Ribs
- Ham
- Bacon
- Coupons for pizza
- Make up
- Nail Polish
- Magazines
- Pics of Freddie
- Nail Darts
- Dart Board
- Push Pins
- Scissors
- 10 boxes of 1,000 pack Tissues
- And a teddy bear

Sam: Thanks Carls. Let's go to my room. 

Once we headed to my room we sat on my bed and started toeat the food and watch the movies. Later my mum came home and also comfort me for 10 minutes since Carly told her about the break up before she came over. She also brought over 4 boxes of pizza for me and Carly to share and one for herself. Told ya she's a better woman now.

Sam: So i'm guessing Freddie told you the whole story?

Carly: Yeah, he knocked on our apartment door and when Spence opened it, he cried into his arms. He's been a wreck. And since i found out, i got all this stuff for you and i phoned your mum about it so she can comfort you and get the pizza.

Sam: You're the best you know that right?

Carly: Uh-huh!


Spencer's POV

Freddie has been here for at least 5 hours crying and being really mad at Sam. We decided to have a guys night with Gibby and T-Bo by ordering pizza, drinking soda and watching some movies since Carly will probably sleeping over at Sam's. After everyone went back, Freddie stayed. On their one month anniversary Sam had given him a keychain. It was a locket kind of thing and when he opened it, his and her faces would appear. He held the keychain tight in his hands while curled up in a ball with his blanket. I wish they'd just make up. All humans make mistakes, why couldn't he just see that.

Carly's POV

I decided to sleep over at Sam's to keep her company. It was pretty late and she fell asleep. I just stared at her tear-stained face and saw she was clutching onto the necklace that Freddie had given her on their 100 Day Kiss. I wish they'd just make up. All relationships require trust, honesty and opening up, why couldn't she just see that.


I am going to start writing the Christmas fanfics and i will write a sequel to this.
Also, don't forget to comment, follow, vote and read my other stories! Sorry for any mistakes :)

-callmeprada ☯

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