One-Shot no. 48: i'LL be Back by Valentine's Day

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So the idea is from this:
and this:
Link also in comments and 2 more things.
1. The first half of this one-shot is set in January the year before
2. I am writing a few V-Day one-shots. 
This isn't gonna be the only Valentine's Day one-shot. Now enjoy!

Sam's POV

I'm peacefully lying in my bed watching a movie and having a cuddle with my own personal, living teddy bear who goes by the name Freddie Benson. Me and Freddie haven't been dating for a long... just a month... or two tops. Ok, we've been dating for quite sometime! But whatever. 

I look up at Freddie and see a worry look on his face. When he entered my house, he had the same expression. I swear something is going on if his face has never changed emotions. What has been chewing him? I sat myself up and decide to ask him.

"Freddie? You've had the same worried face when you entered my house and when i look up at you now, your face hasn't changed expressions. What's up?" He let's out a deep sigh. "I'm one of the chosen 10 to go to Amsterdam and study a tech course for one year which means i'm leaving you for one year. I didn't want to tell you like this but it looks like i did. And worst part is... i'm leaving tomorrow night. That's why i wanted to spend the whole day with you today. I'm so sorry." 

I felt tears forming in my eyes. Soon enough, the tears started falling down from my eyes to my cheeks. One by one, the tears fell onto my lap. Those tears then turned into slight sobs. Freddie wrapped his arms around me but i shrugged them off. I got up from the bed and stood up next to it. I saw that Freddie had slight tears strolling down his face. At least his emotion changed from worried to hurt.

"SAM I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE DON'T GET MAD AT ME! I was gonna tell you a week ago but i chickened out and i was gonna trya few days ago except i got sick and lost my voice. You were there to take care of me. I knew today would've been my last day and i knew i had to tell you soon. Sam, don't break up with me over this. I love you. If you love me then you would let me go. It's only for 3 months."

I had let out more sobs. "THERE'S A BOMBING IN AMSTERDAM! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE! I- i love you Freddie and if you wanna go and have fun then die... sure! No one is stopping you." I pretty much regretted that whole sentence. I took one more glance at Freddie, he was crying silently.
(A/N Fyi, there is no bombing in Amsterdam)

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO APOLOGIZE?! SAM! I FREAKING LOVE YOU AND I PROMISE I WON'T DIE! THAT BOMB WON'T HIT ME OK?! I'LL BE ALRIGHT!" He paused. He grabbed both of my hands and softened his look and voice. "We'll be alright." 

He placed a slow, gentle, soft but sweet kiss on my lips. I responded just as softly and sweetly. I never wanted this moment to end. I never want him to leave my side. 

After several minutes, we finally pull away. I look into his deep, dark chocolate eyes while he looks at my crystal blue eyes. "I'm sorry Sam. Look, it's getting late and i better go." We walk hand in hand to his car. Before he leaves, i slip off my necklace and gently place it in his palm. 
(A/N Necklace is under media)

"This is for you. When you miss me, just look take that necklace in your hands and it should hopefully bring you back memories." I say with a sad smile. "Oh Sam. I can't take this. This is your necklace. Your necklace from your father. Your necklace that you recieved at the age of 3. Your necklace you wear everyday. Sam, i can't take this with me."

I kiss him. "Sure you can. It's your's." We kiss again. He grabs hold of my wrist then slips something on it. Once we pull away i look down to my wrist. I see his bracelet from his father. His father made it for him when he was born. It was obviously really big for him when he was younger but it was something that made himself safe. When he turned 14, he put the bracelet on for the first time and never took it off. Both our fathers died. 

"I take something special of your's, you take something special of mine. Don't act stubborn. Just keep it." I start crying. I grab hold of his face and kiss him deeply. After about 5-10 minutes we break apart and say good bye. Before he goes he whispers in my ear... "I'll be back by Valentine's Day." He means Valentine's Day next year. We kiss one more time then he drives away. 

He'll be back by V-Day, he'll be back by V-Day


1 year later and Freddie says he's coming home this month! I still have his bracelet on. Never once have i taken it off. Carly and Spencer had gone to the store just to get some stuff for the next iCarly and some food for dinner. I decided just to wait for them in their apartment. Just as i was about to lie down, my phone starts ringing... it's Freddie! 

"Yeah it's me. What's up?" 
"Well i was wondering if a parcel has arrived at Carly's door."
"Um yeah. Carly found a small purple box but had no name addressed. Only the address so she just left it on the counter. Why? "
"Open it."
"Why? Wouldn't Carly get mad at me for opening something that isn't mine?"
"Why on Earth would she get mad at you for opening a parcel that belongs to you? Just hang up and open it."

I hang up and run over to the box. I rip it open to find my necklace and a note saying...

Hey Sam!
It's Freddie and oh my gosh i miss you heaps! I'm coming back
this month and i'm very excited to see you. Here is you necklace
and hopefully you get this parcel at the right time. Oh and do
you still have my bracelet? Anyway, just open the door.
Happy Valentine's Day.

Oh yeah, it's Valentine's Day.... IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I run over to the front door and see Freddie standing there. I jump into his arms and kiss him like there's no tomorrow! This is officially the first time i've been happy since Freddie left. We pull away and we just stare into each other's eyes lovingly.

"I love you Sammie. Happy Valentine's Day." I smile and peck his lips. "I love you too Freddie. Happy Valentine's Day."


Did you guys like it? Well that's it for today... NOT! I'll be writing some
more Valentine's Day one-shots. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯  

Seddie One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora