One-Shot no. 71: iProfiles

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Ok guys, this isn't exactly a real chapter but this chapter is just profiles about the characters in the future. So like the kids, their jobs etc. I know I did 2 one-shots of the kids but they weren't very good and detail. Probably very confusing. That's why I'm making this one which has all the correct information about everyone. If you don't want to read this then that's fine. But I suggest that you should read this one so you can imagine it in your head as you read it. And also, when I make these profiles, their ages and all that are what I'm going to use more. Make no sense but just read. The older children are mostly going to be in 9th grade and the middle children are mostly going to be in 7th grade and then the youngest children are mostly going to be in 2nd grade. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna mix it up. There will be one-shots where their ages are going to be different but most of them are just like the ones in the profiles below. Thanks for actually reading this long Author's Note and enjoy!


Normal POV

*Spoken in a Formal/Posh/British accent*
Today, you will be looking through the profiles of all the characters in the future. It will show full detail of who they are and what they do. It is recommended that you picture each character in you head to the full affect.

Carlotta (Carly) Renee Shay Hudson:
Birthday: July 24th (38 turning 39)
Gender: Female
Height: 5"6
Occupation: Publisher for 'Runway Magazine'
Relationship Status: Married to Bradley Scott Hudson
Children: Lauren Katie Hudson, Michael Reed Hudson,
Cole Dylan Hudson, Bridgit Sofia Hudson.
Appearance: Carly is slightly tall and thin. Her hair is still a dark
brunette and wavy but now she has a blonde ombrè. Her hair stops
mid chest. She's slightly curvy but not very. She's got dark brown eyes.

Bradley (Brad) Scott Hudson:
Birthday: June 19th (39 years old)
Height: 5"11
Occupation: Designer and Engineer for 'Pear'
Relationship Status: Married to Carlotta Renee Shay Hudson
Children: Lauren Katie Hudson, Michael Reed Hudson,
Cole Dylan Hudson, Bridgit Sofia Hudson.
Appearance: Brad is tall and has a slightly muscular body. His hair is a
light brown that hands down over his forehead. His eyes are a slight
hazel greenish-yellowish colour.

Samantha (Sam) Joy Puckett Benson:
Birthday: April 17th (39 years old)
Height: 5"2
Occupation: Owner/Manager/Teacher of a Performing Arts Studio
called 'Elite Peforming Arts'
Relationship Status: Married to Fredward Karl Benson
Children: Natalie Rose Benson, Lachlan Joe Benson,
Matthew Carter Benson, Tahlia Jade Benson.
Appearance: Sam is very small and has a skinny body. Her hair is still curly,
wild and messy. The colour is still a golden blonde but has a slight orange ombrè.
Her hair stops just below her shoulders. She is curvy, curvier then Carly. Her eyes
are a bright, piercing blue.

Fredward (Freddie) Karl Benson:
Birthday: February 4th (39 years old)
Height: 5"7
Occupation: Designer and Engineer for Pear
Relationship Status: Married to Samantha Joy Puckett Benson
Children: Natalie Rose Benson, Lachlan Joe Benson,
Matthew Carter Benson, Tahlia Jade Benson.
Appearance: Freddie is pretty tall and muscular. His hair is a medium
chestnut brown that he sometimes puts up in a quiff or leaves it hanging
down over his forehead. His eyes are a medium to dark brown. Like the
colour of melted chocolate.

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