Part 41

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Third Person POV

        Flashbacks (a century ago)

"Master! Master!" A man who seemed to be a high ranked servant for a prestigious family came running into one of the courtyards of the big mansion.

He almost fell face first as he climbed the few stairs leading to the main door of the house, his breaths came in form of heavy pants due to the distance he ran in the span of few minutes and the amount of energy he spent doing so.

"What!" Snapped his lord who obviously was angry with the interruption as he seemed quite busy sorting through a bunch of papers that were surrounding him from everywhere.

"D- darkness!" The servant exclaimed incoherently.

"What's wrong with the lights?" His lord was confused at the servant's random statement.

"N- no, my lord. The d- darkness is engulfing the whole Realm." The servant finally managed to explain properly.

"WHAT!" The lord was startled out of his expensive looking chair.

"The Realm is being swallowed by the darkness." The servant repeated.

"When did this start?" The lord asked as he rounded his desk and walked past the servant towards the door.

"In the early hours of dawn, the Council is preparing a meeting as we speak." The servant informed as he helped his rushing lord to his jacket.

The lord snapped his head back to the servant. "How come I was informed only now." He was angry.

"No one thought of it as a dangerous thing. It spreads gradually over different areas of the Realm, we thought it was another eclipse as they're often around this time of the year. It only a few hours ago that it picked up the speed at an alarming rate." The servant informed as they exited the house to the waiting carriage.

"What is this darkness all about, anyway?" The lord stopped before at the door of the carriage and asked.

"We don't know-" the servant cut himself off.

"What?" The lord asked.

"There are rumors that started circling around when the darkness first started." The servant said.

"What rumors?"

"That there are hushed voices coming out of the darkness, it's said that just before the clouds of darkness take over a certain area, some weird murmuring voices would be heard for some time-" the servant cut himself once again.


"It's also said that the darkness was blinding, a werewolf managed to escape it after getting engulfed by it, and according to him, he felt as if he was in an endless pit of suffocating must and pitch darkness. He couldn't see anything at all neither could he hear anything due to the hissing voices that seemed as if they had penetrated his brain." The servant explained.

"Let's go. I'm sure the Council would have some kind of information on this new visitor that's covering our Realm." The lord said before he got in the carriage.


The Throne Room was in turmoil, arguing voices could be heard from the yard.

The lord from earlier announced his arrival before coming into the Throne Room. "Lloyd in His Majesty's attendance." He greeted, bowing slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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