Part 4

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   Edited: 04/12/2020.

Third person POV

Nicholas was in maze the moment they entered the Immortals' kingdom. It was nothing like he predicted, it wasn't all flowers and beautiful sceneries.

Quite the opposite, it was surrounded with a gloomy vibe. Dark thundering clouds hovering above, and billions of majestic dragons flying all over the kingdom, providing security from above. Witches, faeries, elves, werewolves, vampires, hybrids of all kinds, shadows, and a lot more were lurking around each doing something, but all halted when they sensed their Queen's presence.

All the creatures stood in line welcoming their Queen's return with relief and happiness, their joy, however, soon turned into scowls when they noticed who she brought with her.

Nicholas felt their hateful glares, but chose to ignore it.

"Is everyone okay?" The Queen asked in the usual gentle-demonic voice.

"Yes, my Queen." Everyone answered in unison.

The Queen nodded before she signalled them to go about their works.

"Varda!" A big majestic black dragon with specks of white landed at her feet.

It nuzzled her extended hand before lowering its head, as if urging her to ride it. She turned her head towards her guest. "We'll ride it to the castle." She clarified his obvious confusion.

He didn't know why they would be needing a dragon to ride to the castle, wouldn't a car be enough to drive them there if it's far from where they were standing.

He saw her hopping gracefully on the huge creature's back, and he copied her move when she gave him a what-are-you-waiting-for look.

"Pradirtra!" (Go). She ordered the creature when she saw the Alpha was secured for the ride.

Nicholas wondered why she was using the old witch language with the dragon, shouldn't it be used only with the Shadows since they may have a hard time speaking or understanding the language of humans the Supernatural Realm was using.

Dozens of questions marks swirled around his mind about this eerie kingdom and its inhabitants.

It intrigued him to no end.

After few minutes in the air, he saw a castle and other houses on one of the islands between the clouds. He then, knew why they needed the flying creature they were currently riding.

The Queen could have simply teleported them directly to the castle from the pack house, but she needed to make sure her people were okay and unharmed. In addition to the fact that she couldn't teleport him twice at the same time because she didn't know if it would effect him or not.


"Purch, are they here yet?" Queen Jayda asked as soon as she entered the castle.

"Sait, Pridré." (Yes, my Queen). The intimidating Shadows' guards' leader who appeared out of nowhere answered.

The Queen whipped her head towards him, stopping in her tracks, suddenly alarmed.

"When? Before or after the attack?" Her tone had a hint of panic and anger at the same time. Nicholas wondered who had her all worked up, and he had a hunch he won't like it.

"Right before it, my Queen?" The heavy accent of the Shadow echoed in answer.

Before she could answer, a tiny pair of feet came running towards her. "Mama, Blade stai Ystanvia!" (Mama, Blade knows Ystanvia!) Exclaimed a cute little boy with his eyes twinkling in happiness and pride that now he knew his mother's language.

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