Part 20

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Third Person POV

"She has Shadows inside of her, you say?" An old man questioned his friend, smirking.

"So I've been told." The other man confirmed. "Do you think we've found the secret of her strength?" He asked.

"I think we have, and we just figured her weakness along with it." The first man said.

"What do you mean we found her weakness? Do you have a way to detach the Shadows from her?" The other man asked.

"I do, I think I have just the way to strip her from the strength she bragged about for so many years, the same strength that because of which she looked down on us for so long." The old man said venomously.

"What if the Shadows attacked us in revenge of their queen?" His friend asked, obviously intimidated by the idea alone.

The old man looked at him in disdain, disappointment shining clouding his eyes. "She's only their queen if she's one of them and she's only one of them because of the few of them that reside within her body." He explained, frustration coating his each word. "And why are you scared already, nothing happened yet!" He snapped when his friend's knee kept on disturbing him with its continuous movement.

They were both siting on the couches in the small living area in the old man's office. The old man was sitting on the single couch that obviously belonged to the owner of the place while his friend occupied the one on his right side, right next to him.

"They're the Shadows, meaning they may be everywhere around us without us even knowing." The friend whispered as if he was afraid to be heard.

The old man looked at him, incredulous. "That's ludicrous! Don't you think we would be in a dungeon somewhere or being tortured if they knew who we are or where are we? We initiated an attack on them after all." The man said, he was dumbfounded by his friend's statement. Even the dumbest living being in their Realm would be able to figure such an easy equation out. And there are a lot of ridiculously dumb creatures in that Realm of theirs, but they all have a great survival instincts and this thing is all about who have the greatest survival instincts.

The one who proves to be the best in that area is who shall emerge victorious of this war they waged on the Shadows.

However looking at his friend, he feared he was the first to fall. His fear was blinding every other sense he had.

"Who is this witch that you think can help you stripping the Queen of Shadows of her title?" His friend asked, he seemed as if he finally got his wits back.

"A witch that may be just as powerful as her if not more, one that's way older than her." The old man said.

Witches were said to sharpen their powers each past day of their lives, they get stronger by each passing year so the older a witch is the stronger and powerful they are.

"We don't know of her precise age though, only few scattered rumor-based guesses." The friend said.

"This witch is older than all of those combined, so she'll suffice. Besides she's not alone, she'd have the help of dozens of witches at her aid if need ever arose." The old man told his friend.

"That's great, but you should ask yourself one more question." The friend reminded.

"And that is?" He asked, curiosity written all over his face.

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