Part 12

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Third Person POV

Flashbacks (20 years ago).

Gemma woke up two days after she was transformed by the Shadows' Ystn, she had no clue what happened to her, where she was, or how she was there. In fact she didn't even remember her name.

She wasn't surprised by her surroundings, nor was she shocked to see the dark creatures that were everywhere around her.

She was, however, surprised to see the new born child that was snuggling to her when she woke up.

"Whose baby is this?" Gemma asked one of the Light creatures -as she described them- that were in the room with her. Gemma thought the creatures around her were some kind of mystic light creatures when she saw their white specked black figures.

"A Ystn hobt Pridré." (It's a gift from the Master to you, my Queen.) the Shadow answered politely.

"Xo Ystn?" (What master are you talking about?). Gemma was surprised that she did not only understood the foreign language of the creature, but also answered using it.

"O Ystn." (My Master.) The Shadow simply replied.

"Sa nif guaq?" (Whose baby is this?) she asked when she sensed he won't be answering any further.

"A Pridré nif." (It's yours, my Queen.) the shadow replied

Gemma was about to ask him what he meant by that when a voice interrupted her. "You're awake, my Queen?" She turned to the voice to see a cloaked figure approaching her with another one tagging after him.

"Why do you people insist on calling me that, I'm no Queen! In fact I don't even know who am I or whose this baby I'm holding." Gemma suddenly snapped at the figure that was now standing right in front of her.

"Close your eyes." The Shadow said as he put his hand on her forehead and murmured something, soon memories of all of her life up to that moment flashed through her mind. All that she went through was as if she relieved it all over again, how lonely she was during these past three years, how desperate she wanted her mate's attention, how enraged she was when she thought her unborn child was killed.

How she hated herself for allowing all of this to happen when she could've stopped it from happening.

She opened her tearful eyes and looked at the figure in front of her whom his hand still laid on her forehead before she turned to the sleeping baby. "My baby!" She took her son in her arms and showered him with kisses before cradling him close to her heart. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She kept repeating while holding her baby tight in her grasp, afraid this might be just a dream, that she would wake up anytime now and find out that her baby was killed.

The cloaked figure took them both in his arms. "Shhh, it's okay, you're both are safe now." He tried to calm her hysterical crying.

"But how is he alive, I was sure I miscarried with their continuous abuse?" She asked after she calmed down a bit.

"Nothing is impossible if you're a shadow, and that's something you'll find out soon." He told her.

"That's not an answer to my question though." She pouted slightly.

The shadow's melodic chuckle rung in the air, he slightly pulled at Gemma's pouting lower lip with his index and forefinger. "One of my Shadows casted a spell on you when you entered the woods. I knew they're coming after you." He informed, still chuckling a bit.

"But how come he's born healthy when there are about four other months at least before my due date?" She asked.

"When I swapped your soul to a shadow one, some changes were bound to happen to your body. Instead of five months, your pregnancies are now from now on only three months." He told her.

"But still I had one long month left?"

"The spell I casted on you for the baby not to be harmed when I swap your soul must have accelerated it, the little one was born a day after you were changed." He said.

"How come I'm not surprised of any of this, of you? Why is it I'm having a normal conversation with you when I don't even know you?" Her expression was quite comic when she asked her questions, causing the Shadows around the room to smile at her and the cloaked figure to chuckle.

"It's because you're a Shadow now, Shadows don't get afraid of their brothers and sisters, especially the Pridré shouldn't be intimidated of her people." He explained.

"Uh-huh." Her answer showed that she was yet to grasp the whole thing, but she went along with him nonetheless.

"What would you prefer us to do with them?" The cloaked figure asked her.

"The Ice Pack?" She asked.


"I'll deal with them when the right time comes." She said.

"Okay then, I guess we'll have to prepare you for that day." The Shadow said as he stood up from his seated the position he took next to her earlier.

"What do you mean." She asked as she looked at her little boy in her arms.

"I want you fully aware of all of your powers and know how to use with just perfectly." He said.

"What powers?" She was now looking at him, puzzled.

"The powers of the Shadows' Queen." He told her. "The powers you acquired when you were transformed." He said.

"Will these powers help me achieve whatever I want in the future?" She asked, now intrigued.

"They will help you achieving more than you want, the name of the Shadows' Queen alone can bring the whole Supernatural Realm to its knees before you without you having to lift a finger." He told her.

"Does Curtis possess these powers too?" She asked.

"Who's Curtis?" The cloaked figure asked, confused.

"My son." She replied, looking down at her new born son.

"Yes, he got them when I transformed you while he was in your womb." He replied.

Gemma smirked, looking at the figure. "I think I'll like my new title much more than the I did the previous one." She admitted.

The clocked figure smirked from under the cloak.

"The Shadow's Queen, you say?" Gemma tested her new nickname while smirking.


Enjoy, my lovelies!


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