Part 18

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Third Person POV

Queen Jayda was deeply asleep when a long claw-like nail trailed her cheek.

She stirred a bit and opened one eye to see the intruder who interrupted her sleep, she already had an idea who the person was though. "Where were you?" She asked sleepily, as she sat up with her back on the headboard of her queen sized bed, careful not to wake Blade who was sound asleep beside her.

"I was out of the Forest." The Ystn said.

"Without telling Purch?" The Queen's tone indicated she was not convinced.

"I do not need protection of creatures I made, my Queen." The Ystn chuckled as he laid his upper half over Jayda's covered thighs to reach Blade.

"But you could have at least told me, I was worried." She said as she looked at him caressing the little boy's hair.

The Ystn looked up at her from his position when he heard her scolding tone.

"It's been twenty years, my Queen, you should be used to my outings by now." The Ystn said, in an apologetic tone.

"I still get worried, it's not like those outings of yours are organized. You go out once the mood strikes and sometimes spend days without so much as a word from you." Jayda said. "And you refuse to tell me where you go and what you do." She added.

"It's for your sake that you don't find it out, I've told you and I'll repeat it once again, what I do in my outings is something I want to stay a secret from you and the kids." He repeated the same sentence he always tells her when she asks where he goes to.

"Just how bad is it that you think a Shadow would be repulsive of." Jayda still argued.

"Very bad, very evil." He simply stated, not giving anything else away.

"Come have a wink before Blade wakes up." Jayda moved the blanket from her side as far as she could with his leaning form on her thighs, when she knew arguing with him on this was a lost cause.

"I better, the little fella knows just how to tire a Shadow." The Ystn said in a playful tone as he stood up from his position and put the blanket off just enough for him to sit and cover himself with.

"Won't you put the cloak off, it may wake Blade." Jayda said, referring to when he would put Blade between them.

"No, Blade's going to stay on your side this time." The Ystn said as he tugged her in his arms.

"He may fall over the bed." She said.

"He won't, I put a shield on him, even if he left the bed he won't fall." He said, his hand playing with the end of her locks.

"He would make a hell of a ruckus once he wakes up to see himself casted aside." Jayda chuckled at her little boy's predictable behavior.

The Ystn chuckled. "That he would." He agreed.

Jayda yawned and snuggled deeper into his arms. "Sleep, you must be tired." He told her, kissing her the crown of her head while his hand playing with her white locks.

Jayda only hummed in response before she fast asleep.


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