Part 31

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Third Person POV

It was a dark night, the gloomy forest seemed endless, the darkness surrounded the place from all corners.

The woman run with all her might trying to escape the gloomily ominous forest, but no matter how faster she got her feet moving, no matter how further away she thought she was from the omniscient eyes she felt on her back, she only seemed to run right back to the first spot she was in.

She was in an endless circle, one she couldn't break free from.

The hushed whispers, the ear piercing sounds surrounding her from everywhere, and the dense air around the pitch darkness were engulfing her brain in a drunk daze. She was slowly losing her composure, her sanity to the place that was prisoning her for what seemed to be eternity.

This unknown place felt like it was giving her signs, urging her to remember things she wasn't sure were there in the first place. It was urging her to remember it, to find her way around it, to break whatever spell that was put on her mind to block her memories from resurfacing.

However, how could one remember something that was never in their memories before?

How could a place so unfamiliar be possibly a part of one's memories?

After what felt like eternity she was finally pulled from the densely humid dark forest into a different scene. It was dark alright, but the air around it wasn't as suffocating as it was in the forest. It was rather refreshing, the refreshing scent of flowers broke through the darkness and right into the female's senses.

The darkness was a bit comforting and somewhat familiar but a huge part of her mind still felt it was strangely unfamiliar, a part of her was telling her to find the way to control it, that she could do it. However, she was still lost as to how.

Her mind was blank, she didn't remember a single thing, not even her name, yet she was supposed to know how to control darkness?

However, she still felt it in her gut, the looming danger that every fiber of her being was trying to warn her of.

She decided to walk around the place to see what she would find at the end of the road, so she started walking through the darkness that became a bit lighter now, unknowingly to her.

She walked for a while until she was losing hope in finding anything at all, useful or not.

Then, she saw it!

Right in front of her a clearing came into view, a door opened before her, beyond the door was a what seemed to be a room. The sunlight was coming out of it, but even though it was sunny to a dazzling extent, it barely lightened the hovering darkness around her.

She advanced towards the somewhat familiar room and went right through it.

There she saw a familiar figure.

A white haired female.

The more she looked at the female, the more she thought she was familiar until she remembered something. She looked down at her own figure.

It was the same shape as hers, the same snow white strands. The female in front of her was the spitting image of her, the only difference was the eyes. Her eyes were vibrant violet while the female's were a mixture of violet and ocean blue.

They held a dark and ominous look, the unknown female's aura was much darker than anything she has experienced since entering the maze she was currently in. The evil smirk, the pointy fingers, the Elven ears, everything single little detail of the woman in front of her was scary to the point of horror.

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