Part 36

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Third Person POV

         Flashbacks (A century ago)

Months passed in a haze, Geena worked herself to exhaustion. She would wake up everyday before birds do to go practicing with the head of the Shadows guards that she came to know as Purch, and only come back at the early hours of dawn.

For the past five months, she only had had about five to six hours of sleep.

The exhaustion was catching up to her despite how hard she tried to dismiss it from her mind.

She wanted to be the most powerful when the time for confrontation finally comes.

She knew that the Ystn of the Shadows is more than capable of flipping the whole existence of the seven Realms in a blink if with one word from her, he stressed it multiple times.

However, she wanted to be the one to be with the power to do that. She wanted to be the one to flip the lives of the whole Realm of Supernaturals singlehandedly, to be able the one to condemn them to a lifetime of endless darkness just like how they condemn her whole kind to death.

She needed no help whatsoever from anyone to achieve her life goal, she was going to earn the title of the Queen herself.

Her mate limitless power was just a bonus, but one she did not plan on using.

Those petty things called the Royals of the supernaturals were no match to her before when she was just a mere hybrid of a witch and a werewolf, much less now that her Shadow part was awaken and fully in control.

She just had to work a bit more harder for all of them to coexist within her human body, if each of them proved to each other to be strong enough both physically as mentally to earn their place within the mind and body, there would be no problem for her to conquer the world.

Otherwise she would cease to exist.

Fortunately, all of them seemed to understand the predicament quite well which played a huge role in tolerating each other as none of them wanted to stop existing any time soon.

Though, the biggest role was played by the Shadows' Ystn.

Geena was in a lot of pain in the first few weeks after entrance to the Dark Realm, the different creatures inside of her were in continuous fights for control which took a toll on her weak human body. Especially the new addition, the Shadow side.

She would wake up screaming from the burning fire that was eating at her body due to the constant change of control of each creature.

By the end of the third week, the Ystn have had enough of their quarrels and forced each of them in the darkest parts of her brain as a punishment.

He refused to let them resurface and even muted their continuous complaints.

This continued for a couple of weeks before Geena told him to break whatever shackles he put on them.

"After you rest, you need your rest properly, you were sleep deprived for three weeks." He told her looking down at her in his embrace as he caressed her long white locks.

"I've rested enough." She told him weakly. Her face was scarily pale, way paler than usual. Her lips dry as a leaf with a bluish color to them.

She appeared quite vulnerable, quite weak.

"It doesn't look like it, you look exhausted." He told her, his free hand cupping her right cheek worriedly.

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