Part 34

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Third Person POV

         Flashbacks (A century ago)

Geena who was about to go berserk after witnessing her parents turn into ashes under the watchful gazes of the cruel group of assassins, was about to lunge at the group not caring whether she was invisible or not, not caring about the consequences. She just wanted them to have a taste of their own medicine, no matter how small and insignificant that taste would be. All she knew was that she could do some damage to the coldhearted killers in front of her, and that she had the element of surprise. Only she stopped by a tall and seemingly lean cloaked figure who appeared in front of her from nowhere.

"You shouldn't." The completely cloaked figure who appeared from nowhere, adviced.

Geena ignored him and went to walk past him, but as if walking into a never ending circle, no matter how she walked she could not even reach the stranger who was less than a centimeter away from where she stood. "What are you doing to me!" She snapped, her voice raising towards the end.

The stranger did not speak, he just kept on watching her continuing her walk.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice almost piercing the heavens. Her frustration finally getting the best of her, and his lack of response only served to fuel the already burning rage in her veins. "RELEASE ME! RELEASE ME THIS INSTANCE OR I'LL BURN YOUR WHOLE SPECIES ALONG WITH THEM!" She screamed again at the statue-like figure in front of her.

When silence was still the only thing that met her even after her outburst, and whatever spell that was casted on her was apparently still active as she still walked in the same circle, she came crashing on the ground before a heart-wrenchingly ear-piercing scream resonated in the space around them.

Geena kept on screaming again and again until she could no longer scream. "Such a weak thing! How could you think for a second you were capable of avenging them!" She said to herself, resentment was clearly detectable in her voice.

The stranger stood there watching her until her screams subdued and she seemed to have calmed down. "You shouldn't." He repeated his earlier statement, only this time his tone had a hint of concern instead of the cold nonchalance that coated it earlier.

Geena looked up at him, his sudden change of tone supposed her a bit.

"Who are you to tell me what to do and what not to?" She asked haughtily. She wasn't bothered with the uninvited stranger, nor did she seem to be bothered with his otherworldly demonic tone and aura which she was bound to feel due how intense and prominent it was. The thick and strangely dark aura that flowed off of him in waves did nothing to fix her arrogance or scare her foolishly courageous self.

"Just someone." The stranger replied in the same nonchalant tone from earlier, whatever traces of gentleness his voice had before had vanished.

Geena stood up from her position on the ground. "Move." The daring witch commanded without a single hint of fear or submission despite how oppressing his aura was, she didn't care about any of that though, all she cared about was the fact that the spell that was casted on her seemed to be lifted as she could advance towards him.

The stranger chuckled humorously, his laughter though cold was oddly attractive with a hint of darkness to it. "You think that would work on me?" He asked her, his tone still quite amused.

Geena was flabbergasted.

How did he know? Nobody ever knows! Was what Geena kept thinking to herself.

"I should know since I'm the one who gave you that power to begin with, little mate." The stranger cut her line of thoughts with his lean and shadowy finger that came from under the cloak and held her chin with it.

The young witch was even more surprised as his answer was as if he was reading her thoughts. "What power are you talking about?" She finally pulled herself of whatever daze she was in. She somehow knew that being coy with this stranger was futile, but she wasn't about to reveal the secrets she kept hidden in the darkest corner of her mind for decades just like that.

She didn't seem to notice the nickname he called her with as she was busy.

"The power of playing with the opponent's mind, bending their will until they see nothing but you, hear nothing but you, follow no one but you." The stranger replied, no beating around the bush, no mind games. With few words, he explained what she spent years to understand and control.

"How do you know of that? How the hell did you even notice it when no one ever did?" She had much more questions swirling around her head, but she decided to go with those two most important of them at the moment.

"You don't seem that much alarmed." The unearthly demonic tone sounded, it didn't indicate any sign of surprise though. It was as if he already knew the answer as to why she wasn't the least bit alarmed with him and how much he knows about her.

"What's there to be alarmed with, you don't seem to be here to kill me." She told him, shrugging her shoulders.

"Why so sure?"

"Simple, I wouldn't be still standing if that was your goal." She replied. "What I'm curious about, however, is who are you and how did you know of things nobody but my mother and I knew?" She asked.

"You'll soon find out, little mate." The stranger answered simply.

"W- what?" Geena asked, stuttering.

"What?" The man's tone was laced with confusion.

"What did you just call me?" She asked, looking at him intently as if she was trying to confirm whether what she heard just then was real.

"Ystn, harbordra blargh." A strange dark slim-ish figure of some sort, came out of the darkness surrounding them and blabbed some gibberish. (Master, everything's ready).

"Brakht, dafterd snum." The stranger who's apparently called Ystn replied to the other figure without diverting his attention from the witch in front of him. (Good job, we're coming).

"Sait, Ystn." The shadowy figure said bowing a little before retreating back to the darkness he emerged from. (Yes, Master).

The so-called Ystn then chuckled lightly. "Little mate." He repeated, replying Geena's earlier question.


Hey, guys! How are you all?

So this chapter was supposed to be up two days ago but I got a bit busy, hope you enjoy it.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Until next time, stay safe and happy.


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