Part 32

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Third Person POV

Today was the day Mavous and his people were to attack the Kingdom of the Shadows as per decided in their meeting.

It was decided that Marcum and Angela were the ones who would be leading the rogues they hired for this special mission, they would, however, only be leading them from afar.

Neither Mavous nor his people wanted to be directly involved in case this attack failed since this one was nothing but a test, it was not the real thing.

However, the real reason they didn't want to show themselves and blow their cover up before confirming it was safe to do so was because their leader would be quite angry if they were to ruin the plans he spent his whole life working on

Their leader was a very cruel and twisted creature, his greed took over every last piece of rationality left in his veins. They knew if they were to fail and their failure was to lead the Queen and her people to his doorstep, they would lose more than just their lives.

A lot more than just their lives.

No one knows who this leader is nor how does he look like, no one except for Lloyd. All the others only knew one thing, he was the one who brought them together.

Only after they were on the same boat, only after they could never step down from that boat did they find how cruel he was.

It was rumored that he killed his own brother when the latter found out about his plans of dethroning the Shadows' Queen and sitting in her place, the brother tried to talk him out of his plans being the nice person he was. However, when he saw his attempts were futile, he opted to scaring him. The brother told him that he would tell the Queen himself of his plans if he were to continue down the corrupted path he was taking.

The leader of the rebellion tricked his brother into giving him time to think, the brother agreed. A day after, his seemingly-tortured-body was hung in the center of the rebellion's headquarters,  the nice brother was used as a warning to the rest of the members, a warning to never think of double-crossing the leader.

No one ever thought of abandoning the boat they already got on after that day, none was ready to face the same destiny of the unknown brother who was caught in his own webs. They all worked their brains and bodies off for this rebellion to succeed since it was their only way of surviving. They knew deep down that if the rebellion doesn't succeed, death would be a wish they can never realize, an impossible dream.

The Queen of the Shadows would make sure of it as she's famous of returning what she's got ten folds, be it good or bad.


Angela along with Marcum got the rogues ready and headed to the borders of the Kingdom of the Shadows.

The whole place was empty, no guards, no resistance, not a single breathing soul was in sight.

The place was surrounded with an eerie silence.

Angela and her companions passed the borders and went straight to the center of the kingdom, the entrance of the Kingdom of the Sky.

"Shift!" Angela ordered, the dragon rogues they brought.

They followed the order almost immediately.

"Each dragon will carry two of his fellows and fly to the Castle of the Sky." She ordered as she pointed her finger up to the castle above her. "Remember if you don't succeed or betray us,your families will have a fate worse than death." She reminded looking, her gaze was frighteningly calm yet eerie.

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