Chapter 57

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It has been a week since we were trapped in the forest of beauty. We were attacked by the fire nation here and then but nonetheless , we were still saved. I had mastered water bending and cpuld even heal myself without Lay's help at all. Lay and I have been quiet close as the others decided to get us stuck together by leaving the two of us in the morning when we woke up.


I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulders violently . My eyes snapped opened but squinted as the sunlight covered me . I adjusted my eyesight and eventually came face to face with Lay looking worried. "Wake up! The others are gone!" He exclaimed worriedly. I immediately sat up , causing Lay to stumble backwards a little . I looked around and saw no one at all just me and Lay. Even Lofte and Aragon was gone. I got up and started to wonder around calling out for the others. "Sehun! Chen! Bacon!" I shouted loudly. "Seriously ? Bacon?" Lay looked at me weirdly. "What? He could react to the name." I shrugged.
He shrugged and continue to find any clues for where they had been. Nothing was found. We gave up and started to wonder around ourselves. "This sucks." I mumbled. "You bet." He replied while kicking a stick. "What if they were captures by the fire nation?" I asked . "Then there would have been chaos going on and you wouldn't be asleep by then. " he said . I nodded." True."

We finally sat down at a near by lake . "What's your favourite colour?" He asked suddenly. "Well , that was uncalled." I mumbled. "Answer the damn question." He demanded. "Alright mr uptight. My favourite colour is Blue ." I said . "Ask me back." He said. "What's yours?" I sighed. "Purple(idk) . What is your favourite animal?" He asked again. "Puppy !" I clapped excitedly . He just shook his head. "You?" I asked . This time , with interest." Same. I mean who doesn't like them?" He explained. It went on and on and on with questions and arguments but eventually , we got much closer than before.

End if Flashback...

We are all now wondering towards a huge hill that we have no idea what is capable of. "Guys!" Chanyeol shouted from ahead of us. "What?!" Xiumin shouted back. "There's a village !" He shouted in reply. We were all riding on our partners as the journey continued.

"What is our mission ?" I asked. "Our mission is to get back to your palace to protect our own place. That is why we need to train you for all your powers. " Kris explained. "So , it meant that i am in charged of my own village and castle?" I asked confusingly. He nodded. "What about my mom and dad?" I asked . The others exchanged glances at each other like they knew something. "What are you guys not telling me?" I asked sternly. "Actually , the king has been captured whom is your father. He is weak enough to not have the strength back. He is being used as a bait to get you. " Lofte explained. My mind was frozen. It was like breaking into pieces. Everyone had stopped in their tracks. Either because they were tired or they were seeing my reaction.

"Lets get moving." Lay broke the silence everyone nodded in agreement and we nade our way up. I got down from Aragon and walked ahead with my bow and arrows. "Where you going?!" Aragon caught up with me. "Walking to the village?" I stated. "Its like , still miles away." He stated and huffed a sighed.

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