Chapter 5

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Hey, guys ! I guess chap 4 was the longest so I will do it that way from waking up to sleeping :)) just to let you know , SeulBi started school on Thursday. So for this chapter it would be on Saturday :)) I will put the day for the starting :)) Sorry for not   being able to update for the last two days . I had and exam going on . It ended today. So now I'm freeeee


I was woken up by Chen accidentally slapping me in his sleep. I kicked off my sleeping bag and stood up. I stretched for a minute from what I learned in yoga class for the last 2 years. I managed not to wake the others up as we were still in a circle. I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for them . I decided to text Min Hee to come over as I was the only girl in the house. Not even my parents are home.

*Hey , Min Hee , can come over ?*

*Sorry Missy ! Out of town for the weekends :/*

I ran faster but not at my fastest speed as I did not want to lose my energy. I began to slow down and did a normal jog. I stopped at the point where I started running in the park and did some yoga stretching. I began to search for my phone in case the boys left a message. Unfortunately , I remembered that I was charging my phone beside my bed. I shrugged off as the boys may not awaken yet and probably be in their dreamland. I started walking towards the supermarket to buy some groceries for cooking lunch later on . Knowing that the boys eat a lot , as what Suho said , I needed to buy a lot of ingredients to cook.

When I almost reached the market , I heard someone crying behind the bushes. I looked around curiously . I went behind a bush near me and saw a little cute chubby boy squatting while crying. "Chogiyo , Gwencanayo? " I asked worriedly. He shooked his head and said , "Ani Noona. I lost my Omma and now I am alone. " he calmed down a little when I told him that we would search for his mother while taking a stroll and knowing each other.

After about 30 minutes , we heard someone calling , "Changmin -ah ! Changmin-ah !! " Changmin let go of my hand and ran towards a woman who seemed like his mother. She looked really worried. She even cried when she hugged him. I smiled happily that now Changmin has reunited with his mom.

"Gomawo yojayi ! Annyeong !" I waved and bowed when they went away. But before I walked away, "Noona!" Changmin shouted. I turned and looked at him. I squatted down when he asked me to. He suddenly kissed my cheeks and hugged me. I smiled and waved back. I continued my way to the supermarket.

About an hour later , I had finally finished my groceries shopping. I took our my keys and opened the door. I did not expect what I would see when I opened the door. The boys were pacing around except for Lay who was staring into space . When the heard me opened the door , they quickly rushed to me and squeezed me into a group hug . After they released me , "Yah! Where have you been !" I jumped because of the loud voice. I turned and see , not Suho , but Kris. He crossed his arm while pretended to be angry . I laughed and tip toed to get to his height and patted his head. " I went to the supermarket to get some groceries for you guys!" I said happily while holding up the bags. "Yay!! " Sehun shouted and took the bubble teas that I bought when I passed by the shop just now. D.O took the bags from me and placed it at the kitchen table. I straight away went upstairs to change my clothing and to have a shower. I quickly rinse myself and got out of the shower and wore a black t-shirt said WOLF88 and three-quarter jeans and tied my hair in a pony tail. I went down the stairs and saw D.O and Chanyeol cooking .

"What are you guys cooking?" Sehun asked while seating at the kitchen table. "Cooking some kimchi spaghetti. " Chanyeol said while smiling with delight. "Kimchi with spaghetti? How does it taste like? " I asked curiously. "Nice?" Sehun said with a duh face. I rolled my eyes and went to the living room. The guys were all scattered around the room. I sighed and sat down. "Let's go to Lotte World ," I said while closing my eyes. I popped one eye to see the guys expressions. Everybody was looking at me while smiling widely. Even D.O and Chanyeol were stopping what the were doing.

"Kaja!" Shouted Tao in excitement. We laughed and got out of the house. We  walked to Lotte World well not me , as Tao decided to carry me instead. It was terrifying though as he was really tall. We reached Lotte World at about 30 minutes. We went inside and paid for our tickets. We walked inside and started to wonder around . Everyone separated into groups of three. Me , Sehun , Chanyeol and Lay. Kris , Tao , XiuMin, and D.O . Suho , Chen , Luhan , Kai and Baekhyun. We started to wonder off to the roller coasters booth. I looked up and smiled as the screams of passengers on the roller coaster went by when the cart dropped from a high height. We decided to take a roller coaster .  We were all getting ready and had fastened our seatbelt.

"Fighting!" We put our fist up until the cart went down. We put our hands up in the air and screamed as loud as we can. Surprisingly , I caught a glimpse of Lay and saw that he was grinning like a little kid while swinging arms in the air. I laughed and screamed when the cart went upside down. The ride was over within seconds. Sehun got off followed by me and the others. We laughed our heads off . We went out from the station and went to other games and activities. Sehun saw a hat shop . Thus, he dragged me there happily while giggling like a happy boy who fell in love.

 I was shocked that he gripped my arm and pulled me with joy. I looked back to the others and called out to the first person I saw. "Lay!" He turned back with his normal expression with his hands in his pocket. I called out to him to  remind  him to tell the others that I was dragged by Sehun to the hat store. But , Sehun was too fast and had gripped on my hand tighter. I flinched and turned towards him . Not looking back. I struggled to catch up with his long strides. We went inside and awe strikes us. Our jaw was hanging  wide open. 

The place was filled with hats , teddy bears, and candies. I and Sehun went our own separated ways and I found myself in the middle of  5 shelves and 3 teddy bears and the teddy machine. I beamed like a little child . I saw a cute medium sized teddy bear at the top of the shelves. I reached out to take it but unfortunately , my height did not give in . Instead , a hand reached out for the teddy bear . I froze in my spot . I did not dare to look behind because I knew that I was really close to the person's chest. I turned around and saw Sehun . He was grinning and gave me the teddy bear shyly.

 I blushed in embarrassment and bowed my head and focused myself on the floor. "Thank you ," I mumbled to him . "Anything for you princess !" He said that and ran away , out of the shop. I had my mouth in the shape of an O . Just like that , he left me.

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