Chapter 39

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I looked at the building wide eyed. Isn't this the company the boys are training at ? I wondered.

I walked to inside the building hesitantly.  I went up to the front desk and looked for a staff. Unfortunately , there was no one. I took out my phone and immediately called my uncle.

"Sanchun! I am at the front desk. But there is no one ." I said.

"Oh , okay then . I will come down in a minute. "He said and hung up the phone.

I nodded to myself and looked around. Suddenly, the elevator opened and came out my uncle.

"Sanchun!" I ran to him and gave him a huge hug.

He stumbled a little and chuckled afterwards.

"Aigoo! My little princess is all grown up!" He said proudly.

"Come on ! I want to show you around my company!" He said proudly and pulled me inside the elevator.

"Your company?" I asked in shocked.

"Hmm, i own this company. This is why it is called SM . Lee Soo Man. " he explained.

"Ahh !" I said in realisation.

We arrived at the third floor where it looks like all of the rooms were practise rooms.

"Sanchun , you know EXO right?" I asked bluntly.

"Of course! They are my trainees. " he laughed.

"I live with them. " i said excitedly.

"Arra! Your parents told me and said that the boys are really responsible for you." He told me.

I nodded in agreement proud that they are my family.

"But , if they debut , what will happen to me then ? "My voice became nervous while asking that question.

We were walking pass the rooms in the corridor . We turned to our left where there were more rooms.

"This is why they called you. A surprise. " he said and smiled while patting on the back.

"Sanchun ! Lets play a prank on them ! Pretend that you are not my uncle and i just bluntly tell you that i live with you!" I excitedly suggested.

"Wah! My girl has surely grown up."

When we passed by a door , the door across from it opened and came out five idols.

"Annyeonghaseyo ," they bowed and greeted us, especially to my uncle since he is the president of the company.

My mind was blown away. It was freakin SHINEE . Taemin oppa didn't recognise me as he didn't know it was me.

"Ne , where arenyou guys going?" My uncle asked.

"Oh , we are just going to hang out with EXO for a while. " Taemin answered and looked at me curiously.

I just smiled at him and looked away. What and awkward situation. I thought. "Oh ,okay then . Lets go together. We are heading there too." Uncle said. They all nodded and we headed forward. Taemin walked behind me with Onew while MinHo and Key walked in front of us and Jonghyun was beside my uncle.

We all walked silently . Finalky , we arrived at a room with EXO printed on the door. We entered the room without knocking. When we opened the door , their song were playing loudly and they were all dancing without any help they all had a serious face. There was mirror in front of them so when we came in , they immediately turned off the music and bowed at us without even noticing i was here. "Annyeonghaseyo!" They all greeted. We all bowed back and SHINEE took a seat at the couch which was at the side of the room. After they bowed , they looked up and immediately their mood was not good. Suho was looking at wide eyed and his eyes were asking what i did.

"I did not do anything!" I defended before he could even ask. Everyone looked at me in shock. "What are you doing here?" Sehun asked with his poker face. "Yah! I am older than you!" I claimed and glared at him. Baekhyun immediately pulled me in their group and he closed my mouth. My uncle's face was still straight. He secretly winked at me and i winked back. Baekhyun closed my mouth as my umcle asked. "Do you know them?" He asked strictly. I nodded happily. "Stop acting stupid!" Baekhyun whispered. "How do you know them?" He continued asking.

The boys alarmed. SHINEE members were all watching us closely. Especially me. "We live together !" I got out of Baekhyun's grip and blurted out the truth. The boys metally slapped their forhead and waited for something to happen. I laughed at them as they looked at me weirdly. I went to my uncle's side and wrapped my arms around him. "Everyone ! Including SHINEE , meet my dear Uncle !" I introduced happily. They all looled shocked. "What?!" They all shouted. "Oh my god! I thought we were dead man! Why didn't you tell us SeulBi ah!" Chen whined. "I didn't know he own this place either. " i said while shrugging my shoulder. "SeulBi?!" Taemin called , in shocked. I smiled and waved at him. "Annyeong Taemin oppa!" I laughed at his expression. "Yah! I was thinking you were one crazy fan that broke in !" He shouted in frustration. Everyone laughed at his actions. I began to introduce myself to the other members.

After the introduction , my uncle left us to be alone so we could hang out . We all sat in a a circle and continued talking. I was sitting beside Key and Baekhyun. I was talking with Key about how i met them and all the purge we went through when i realised something printed on Baekhyun's arm. It was near his elbow but at the top of it. He was a long sleeve shirt but it was pulled up , showing the scar that printed on it. I tapped on Baekhyun's shoulder , causing Key to stop talking and interrupted Minho's conversation with Baek. "Oppa , what is on your arm !" I pointed to the scar. He looked alarmed and pulled his sleeve down. By the time he did that , everyone around us had turned their attention to us.

"Uhmm , n-no this is nothing ! We kind of played some fake tattoo thingy for our debut concept. Yeah thats right!" He quickly ensured me. More like ensured himself. I nodded my head weirdly while looking at him. "Okay..." I then continued my chat with Key while i could feel EXO was exchanging glances with each other.

I wonder what they are up to...

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