Chapter 15

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I decided to take a shower before i could even fall asleep . I took a short bath . I rinsed my hair after putting on the strawberry shampoo which has a nice scent. I quickly brush my teeth and head out the toilet after changing into my blue pajamas.

I did not dry my hair using a hair dryer as it was not necessary to do so. I suddenly felt my stomach craving for a cold water. I quickly slipped out of my dressing table and went out of the room. I looked outside and no one was to be seen trespassing the hallway. I went down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. The house was totally dark . I went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of cold bottle i drank it and put it back in. I closed the door without hesitation. When i turned around , i immediately screamed my lungs out but the person covered my mouth before i could get any louder. I closed my mouth so that my saliva would not drip on his hand. I know it was a he as it was the one and only alien , Lay. I looked at him wide-eyed. He switched on the kitchen lights and now , i could see him clearly.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I whispered loudly to him after he removed his hand. "Can't sleep ," he answered simply and sat down on a stool. I sat across him and kept quite. "Well , what were you planning to do here?" I asked calmly this time. "I don't know." He said. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to make him a hot Milo. I got up and went to make his drink.

After finishing the drink , i went back to where he was sitting and saw that he was dazing off. I put the cup of hot Milo in front of him.

"What is this?" He asked staring at it. "Hot Milo. Drink it before you sleep. " i said and smiled at him. He looked at me and his eyes bored into my eyes. "I don't drink filthy Milo. " well , that was hurtful. "Oh.. ok then.. " i stood up and put the cup in the fridge. I then made my way up the stairs towards my room. I laid down on my bed after closing the door. Closed my eyes and dozed off.

Authors POV

What SeulBi did not know was that Lay had took out the cup of Milo right after she was out of his sight and drank it happily while smiling like an idiot on a honeymoon.

Next day...

I woke up to Baekhyun's voice ringing as my alarm clock. He was standing next to me singing a song , which i have no idea what it was. I covered my head with my pillow but he pulled it off and screamed in my ear.

"AHHHHH!!!" I yelped back and sat up quickly but my head hit the headboard of the bed. I winced and rub the spot. "What the hell Baekhyun ah!" i scolded him. "Merong!" He stuck out his tounge and ran away. I got up and started to dress up for school. I just had my hair down but i had braided the sides of my hair and tied them together at the back. I slung my bag and went down the stairs as i heard chatters in the kitchen.

"Morning !" I said happily but glared and stuck out my tounge at Baekhyun as he did the same. I sat down beside D.O and Luhan. "Hey SeulBi!" Said Luhan. "Hey there deer!" He pouted and i pinched his cheeks as he was too cute.

"Yah , i have not talked to you for a long time you know ," he whined. "Arrasso , why not i talk to you all day?" I said . He nodded happily.

"Hey! I want to to talk to SeulBi too!" Sehun shouted across. The others agreed too. "Why not after school we go to the park and introduce each other in our own way?" Kris suggested. "Look ! Kris hyung is talking smartly!" Sehun pointed out shockingly . "Yah! Maknae! I am always smart!" Kris retorted and hit him on the head. We all laughed . We continued eating and chatted happily. Finally , we had all finished. I suddenly remembered that i had put the unwanted  Milo in the fridge. I went to the fridge and opened it only to find nothing except for our groceries. I looked inside it confusingly . Suddenly , an idea struck me. Lay. I turned around and looked at him. He was already looking at me. When he made eye contact with me , he instantly turned his head away. I turned away and closed the refrigerator's door and smiled to myself silently.

We got out of the house after Suho

counted and checked that all of us were present. We went to school by walking as the weather was quite nice today. We were all talking non-stop these days.

"Hey guys , lets talk something more relevant instead of girls. It is really awkward here!" I said loudly so that the boys in front , Kai , Chen , Sehun , Luhan , XiuMin and Kris. "Ahh waeyo SeulBi-ah? You jealous?" Kai asked me while wriggling his eyes. "Don't worry , Taemin will entertain you," he continued. I looked at him wide-eyed. "Yah! I am not superbly obsessed with him! I am just a fan ! I don't love him like a boyfriend !" I shouted at him and ran after him. "Yah! Come back here!"  Shouted after him. "Andwae! " he ran for his life. We finally came to a stop when i finally caught up to him and punched him on his chest. He winced and pouted. I looked away to not fall for his puppy eyes and apologise. The guys all caught up with us. "Wah , SeulBi -ah  you ran so fast!" Kris said in bewilderment . "I was an athlete. " i said plainly and smiled at him. We then continued our way to school after Kai's and my morning exercise. When we reached school , all the fan girls surrounded us. I was trapped among Kris , Luhan Sehun and D.O . "Sorry SeulBi-ah for our fan girls," D.O apologised. "Aniyo , Gwencanayo," i said to him reassuringly . He nodded and tried

to calm the crowd in front of him. We finally got in to class , one minute before the class began after going through a hell broke loose. We settled down on our seating arrangements.

Arrangements downwards:
Sehun       Lay     Kai    Unknown
Chen        Chan    Xiu     Unknown
Kris           Tao        Bi        D.O
Luhan       Suho    Baek     unknown

We settled down and gave a sigh of relief. We were all tired from the chasings of fans. In the end , the class began...

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