Water Bender

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Everything was now told . Water Bender . Fire Bender. Air bender. Earth bender . Wow. D.O had been mad wirh Suho and Kris for forgetting about mentioning about him to me on how he was the Earth bender. Sehun was also throwing a fit about him bwing the airbender. Suho and Kris then appologised to them and got a silent treatment.

We are now walking to nowhere as we had stayed in the cave for three days straight and it was hard enough for us to find food. I was walking beside Baekhyun and Chen and we are at the very back .

"When am i getting my powers?" I asked to no one. "Soon . Today is the first of January anyway. " Bakhyun said. "How do you know?" I asked him. "Everyone knows it would be a month before your birthday . The Queen told us . " Chen said. "Oh." That was my simple answer. "How do you communicate with the Queen then?" I asked. "At the right time . At the right place." Sehun said. "What?" No one answered . "Fine." I grumbled . "Sorry Noona." Sehun apologised.

"What are we going to do now?" Chanyeol asked. "SeulBi needs to master her four element and we can train her without masters . We need her four elements to defeat the Prince and his kingdom. " Kris explained. Chanyeol then replied. "How about now?" "Here? In nowhere?" I asked. "Yeah we could build a tent!" He exclaimed and clapped his hands excitedly.

"Sure!" The others agreed and build 5 shelters using the huge leaves after washing and cleaning them properly for the rooftop and the base. It was quiet fine for us . "Well? What am i training first?" I asked after everyone was settled. "Why not fire bending first ? Since we are chased by the fire nation . Might as well defeat by their own power. " Chanyeol grinned. "No! She must master water first so she can put out the fire!" Suho protested.




"Guys! Do a rock paper scissors!" I instructed. They both nod and played. "Kawi Bawi Bu!" They shouted and it showed that Suho had won. "Awww!" Chanyeol wined. He suddenly got hit on the head that made us all laughed. "What was that for hyung?!" He whined. "That's for using banmal(informal) to me!" Suho teased. "Come on princess!" Suho walked ahead with me tailing behind him. We finally found a small river that runs down to elsewhere we don't know.

Suho sat on a rock and i sat at the side of him. "Now , first you need to calm yourself. Nothing has to distract you. It is like calling the water for help. "He said and relaxed." How do i do that?" I said and stood up . "Follow my lead." He said and stood up. He went infront of the lake a d started to do some slow moves. Relaxing ones. I followed him awkwardly but i got used to it soon. We copied the steps over and over again. "The water iss controlled by your actions. Your actions are controlled by your mind." He told me. "Control the water and think what you want to do with them. " I began to do what i was told. I stopped the movements and began to position myself . I looked st the water and hold my hand out with my palm facing downwards on the water .

What am i going to do? Lets try picking the water first . My mind decided. I then begin to let my mind think about throwing the water to the other side. I begin to move my hand upwards and put my energy into pulling the water out. The water suddenly pulled up and was in distance of 2cm with my palm. With that being success , i begin to pull it upwards separating some water with the lake. I then took my other hand and pulled at the other end of the water like a rope . An unexpected creature jumped out of the water glob that made the water splash on me. Suho laughed out at me. "Well that was unexpected!" I laughed alon with him.

"Why not we catch some fish for the guys and for us ? You could get use to water bending?" He proved me a point. "Alright ! But if a crocodile comes running at us , i'm leaving you behind." I joked. "This is a pure lake SeulBi ." He laughed. "I knew that!" I exclaimed ." How did you know ?" He teased. "You just told me!" I pointed a finger to me. He chuckled at me while i pouted. "Once you are a water bender , water would be like your twin. You can tell if it is dangerous ,dirty or clean." He lectured. "Alright . Alright Mr Kim. Lets get some fishg!" I cheered . He laughed. "Alright. "

About 20 times failing and only passing 10 times , i finally got the use of using my water bending on fishes. I followed every step of Suho's actiond but a different mind. We had finally collected enough for us to last for about four days maybe? We went back with the fishes separated. I finally controlled to at least hold a water glob with 25 fishes swimming in it. I found out that my mind just had to focus one time and my mobements are important.

"Hyungs ! Noona! They bought food!" Sehun and Tao shouted. They took out a pail which i have no idea where they found it . I and Suho settled the fishes in the pail and dust ourself up. "Looks like you are already a master of water bending. " Luhan said. "Not yet. She is just in lesson one. There more learning to go." Suho corrected him. "She would need a week to train. " he said. "What?! What about my lesson! Hyung!" Chanyeol whined. "You guys will get a week too. " he instructed . D.o , Sehun , Chanyeol and Xiumin whined. "Well , we have time." I shrugged. "It is nearing your birthday !" Chen gushed. I jumped in surprised as he appeared on my right. "Gosh!" I mumbled and held my heart. "Come on! Sun is setting. Lets cook dinner. Chanyeol we need fire Suho we need wood." Kris ordered. They nodded and went off. I ran sfter Suho and walked by his side. "How are you going to get wood?" I asked. "Cut them." He chuckled. "Duh Mr Obvious but with what?" I laughed. "Water. They are sharper than knives you know. " he said. "Show me!" I clapped my hands. We stopped infront of a small tree and he got out a glob of water that was like only 10 milimeters. With his mind and actions , the water formed into a sharp point. He then motioned his hands and sliced the tree into half. "Wow." I stood there dumfounded. "Can i try?" I said. "Not now. I am hungry !" He whined and took the woods and went back to the so called 'base camp' .

When we got back , we could see a scene that involves Tao running while being chased by Sehun and Chen along with Baekhyun with fishes in their hands. I dropped the woods and ran to Sehun and Chen . "My fishy!" I ran after them . "Stop my fishy!" They immediately stopped in their tracks but still holding onto the poor fishy. They did not surrender instead , they smirked evily and ran after me. "Ahhh! Hajima!" I shouted and ran for my life. I turn to my left which caused me to trip over the woods. "Eek!" I shriek and fell on my butt. "Yes! We captured the royal princess!" They faked a posh accent. Sehun came closer and closer with the fish . Immediately my hand moved quickly and soon Sehun was soaked with water.

He looked at me wide eyed while Baekhyun and Chen were just laughing at me. "Noona!" Sehun whined and stomoed his after after he stood up. "What?! Your fault !" I defended as Kai helped me up and laughed at Sehun's state. "I was joking !" He whined again. "Come on guys! Fire is ready!" Chanyeol called out . I immediately went to towards the others that were seating on three trunks that was cut off . I sat down beside Kai and Xiumin while the others positioned themselves. The warmth was sipping through my coat which made me warm enough to relax. "Soon it would snow." Suho said while he handed out the cooked fishes to each of us. "Yeah! " Xiumin agreed with a mouthful of fish meat. You know what i mean. I stopped eating and placed my fish down on the leave that came with the fish when it was given. "You okay?" Kai tapped my shoulder . "Hmm , yeah." I assured him.

No . I was not. I was hearing voices. Voices speaking in my head. I suddenly heared a conversation . Two person at least.

I want another one Suho hyung!

No Chen!

My eyes widened and looked at Suho and Chen . They were eating quietly but Suho was glaring at Chen a few times but not a serious one. Chen was pouting silently. I looked down on my fish and to Chen . I stood up with my untouched fish and headed towards Chen. I handed him my fish . "Here ya go? You wanted more right?" I asked curiously hoping it was true if not , i would have been listening to a hungry devil in my mind and an angry one. He looked at me brightly and turned to Suho . "In your face hyung !" He shouted and snatched my fish and went to sit on my seat instead. Suho loiked at me in surprise. "How did you know he wanted more?" He asked. "She's a fortune teller !" Sica gasped. Luhan then nudged her. "What? It was a great guess!" She pouted and kept quiet. I giggled at their actions. Cute. "I kinda .. well , i don't know . It was his actions." I quickly covered up. They would think i am crazy! I metally slapped myself. "Ah. Okay then. " He continued eating as i sat down at Chen's seat which was beside Chanyeol and Kris. Great , between two giants. How fun is that?

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