Chapter 67

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Oh my god guys i am truly sorry for the late updates and for the spelling error for chapter 66 . I realised that it was horrible . I am having a huge exam right now but i am going to try my best and update.

We walked our way through the woods like nothing happened. Each time , i would look back at Mistilya to see her looking back too . I guess both of us are curious about each other .

I was walking beside Lay whom was suspiciously really protective of me . Surprisingly i was fine with it . Surprisingly .

"Now , where are we going?" I asked to no one. "We are just following you." Mark said innocently. My jaw dropped. "We are lost."

"Thanks Mrs Obvious." Christian rolled his eyes. "Hey watch it. " Kris warned . " We don't really know each other and we are sticking to each other?" Sehun asked worriedly. "Yes." Everyone answered . He pouted .

"Well , where are we heading to is a rhetorical question right now. " I mumbled. "Where are the guards?" Lay asked. I looked around. "You had guards?" I asked. He nodded. "Guys they weren't be able to catch up earlier." Suho stated.
We stopped walking and looked around . "I smell something." Aragon stated. I looked around carefully. "Something bad and good are approaching." He continued. We created a form of circle in an instinct.

Suddenly ,something jumped on Tao and he fell on the floor with a huge impact that had him groaning. "Oppa!" I shouted and rushed towards him . But something huge grew out of the ground and had me flying away from the ground. The circulation's in my system were interrupted by the impact.

"SeulBi!" Baekyun shouted. I almost got a view out of the forest but it was too smoky to see through .

"Someone get her and stop this thing. "

Suddenly , something grew inside me .


SeulBi or Frostilya flew up in the air like she was a baseball ball. Everyone started to rush and attacked the huge 'centipede' as I would like to call it or in fact it needs an uglier name.

I had to make the tree grow wider and stronger to hold the monster in it and stems and roots to hold it in.

Mistilya had tied another creature that attacked a Chinese guy? Yeah a Chinese guy. Using her speed of light , she quickly tied the monster hanging it from a huge tree that I had grown for her. Mark had helped the other guys to defend another two monsters but a little smaller but more scarier and uglier than before .

Jung Kook had been holding onto the monsters to keep them still by using his power , freezing.

Suddenly , a flash of blue strong neon light like in the North pole came crashing to the ground . We were all thrown backwards without any protests.

A girl stepped out of the blue light looking as graceful as she could be . It was SeulBi. But , it wasn't totally her. She had blue eyes . Totally blue eyes that covered all here pupil . Suddenly , the creatures got slashed out of our trap and began to attack SeulBi .

Before we could even move an inch , all the creatures were down . We were all gobsmacked. Nothing could describe the way she fought because it was like Mistilya's power ,the speed of light . But , it was more powerful. Suddenly , everyone blacked out .


I woke up with a headache . I looked around my surroundings and saw that I was in my ... Dad's car?? What?! I quickly shot up in my seat.

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