"Enough," Advisor Kangmin says, "We are losing more each day as more vampires go to the human world."

The King nods and strokes at the side of his face in thought, "I want an investigation done to find why the hunters are killing our people. I wish to know why those bugs have suddenly started to hunt us again. And something must be done regarding these deaths...yes..." The advisors all murmur their agreements. Even if an investigation is being done, the vampires will still be in danger should they visit the human world. Some may find it weird for these undead to walk among humans, but it really isn't. The world outside is growing and the vampire race will grow with it. It is silly for them to stay within their secret society all the time. Vampires are allowed to go outside and be amongst the humans as long as they don't start relationships with them, turn them, or kill them for their blood. In turn, they get to experience television, karaoke, and drinks in a can. It makes the vampires feel alive again and can you fault them for that. Everyone enjoys being able to travel from their secret haven to the world of the short-lived humans. "I say we close up transportation between the human world and the vampire society," The King states. Everyone except for the King, who only allowed it because his people wanted it. But, now that vamps are dying in that world, he has an excuse to cut off connections for good. "Your Majesty," A woman says, standing up, "I do not know if that is the best course of action."

"And why would it not be Advisor Eunbi?" The King asks.

"Our connections with the human world are vital to the peace in the society," Advisor Eunbi states.

"I assume you mean our access to blood," The King says, "You don't need to worry. I am sure that we can work out something with our human allies. Either way, closing up transportation between the human world and the vampire society is for the best. We will be able to minimize the risk of any more deaths. It is for the best."

"There's a reason we allow for vampires to travel to the human world," Seungkwan says, "It is therapeutic for our people. They enjoy being amongst humans."

The King scoffs, "I doubt being amongst food is calming in any way. I believe that our people will be just fine. It's an adjustment, but they will be able to deal with it." Seungkwan closes his mouth and looks down, embarrassed for speaking up in such a way. Seungcheol eyes his friend and advisor. He can't help, but agree with Seungkwan. Although, he doesn't frequent the human world, he knows how important it is to their people. "I have to agree with my advisor, father," Seungcheol states, "Contact with the world of the living is more than just a way for us to get blood. It's become a part of our way of life. One that you can't just take away." The advisory board all look at Seungcheol with surprise, not having expected him to speak. "Is that so?" The King says, "Do you have another suggestion?" The crown prince takes a deep breath and looks back at his father. The vampire King has a smug grin slowly appearing on his face that boils anger within Seungcheol's stomach. His father really expects him to mess up and say something ridiculous. The man really thinks so little of him. Seungcheol slowly rises from his throne, pushing the anger down and speaking in an even tone, "I say we allow the vampires to continue traveling to the human world if they wish. After all, not every vampire that goes there is being killed. It would be rather cruel to cut off everyone, don't you think? I say we give the people in the human world more protection. Safe houses and friends that they can turn to if they are to be pursued by hunters."

"It would take time," The King states with pursed lips, "We must find places that are easily accessible and humans that would be willing to assist in keeping these areas in good condition. We don't have time to waste. More of our people could be slaughtered if we allow them to continue to visit the humans."

"It would go by faster if someone from the royal family would directly see to its completion," Seungcheol says, "Wouldn't it?" The crown prince turns to look at the advisors, who instantly nod their heads. The King frowns, "I don't have time to travel to the human world."

Running in My Veins: Jicheol SVT AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now