HOW TO: Fantasy sub-genres

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High fantasy - sets in a new and different world

Low fantasy - when magic intrudes on a normal world

Urban fantasy - supernatural or magical elements set in contemporary worlds 

Sci-fi fantasy - when science fiction and magical elements are combined

Dark fantasy - when horror and fantasy elements are combined

Historical fantasy - incorporates fantastic elements into more realistic narrative, like Arthurian or medieval fantasy

Comic fantasy - comedy blended with fantasy


Anthropomorphic fantasy - fantasy starring animals

Bangsian fantasy - takes place in afterlife

Cross worlds fantasy - the hero goes to another worlds and saves the day

Court intrigue fantasy - all about the high court of the land

Erotic fantasy

Religious fantasy

Coming of age fantasy

Dying earth fantasy - when earth is dying and the laws of nature have changed. you can barely recognise the planet anymore

Fantasy of manners - no epic battles, just the daily lived of the characters in a fantasy setting 

Flintlock fantasy - where guns are used

Legend fantasy - retells legends

Magical realism

Military fantasy

Mythic fantasy - puts a new spin on mythologies

New weird fantasy - something strange and unique

Political fantasy

Quest fantasy

Romantic fantasy

Steampunk fantasy

Superhero fantasy

Swashbuckling fantasy - a thrilling adventure at sea, land or space

Western fantasy

'Wuxia" fantasy - takes place in Asia and there's fantasy elements 

Prehistoric fantasy

Hard fantasy - follows its own construct rules

Soft fantasy - rules are more malleable and anything can happen

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