HOW TO: Movie tropes I love

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 - A thing happens and two people exchange money at the back

 - Fourth wall breaking

 - "Give up all your weapons" and that one guy spends the entire evening taking his weights worth out of his pockets

 - 'A terribly loud crash' meowing/car sirens heard offscreen

 - Alternatively, a terribly loud crash and one of the characters going "oops" in the most casual voice

 - Alternatively, alternatively, terribly loud crash with sirens and cat screeching, person - off camera - "I'M OKAY"

 - Character being all "you expect me do to X?" Gilligan Cut to character doing X

 - The squad gets captured and interrogated separately, and they all tell equally terrible, completely contradictory lies. 

 - People completely missing the unsubtle, very visible dangerous thing in the room with them. 

 - Alternatively, people absolutely seeing the unsubtle, very visible dangerous thing in the room with them and then not giving a fuck

 - Bonus points if it's a beleaguered minimum wage employee who just goes about their business like "yep, same shit as always."

 - Someone pretending they don't know another character is eavesdropping, only to casually reveal at the end of a scene that they now (*leaving* "tell Tom he can come out now" *Tom drops from the ceiling in spy gear, irritated*)

 - Choosing to deal with the villain by just leaving them alone in a room with another character

 - The "hands go down" trope e.g. "any questions?" *everyones hands go up* "...that aren't sarcastic" *everyones hands go down*


 - "We've got company" *enemies attack*

 - Two characters giving extremely biased flashbacks to the same event that paint each other as an incompetent person.

 - Scenes where the character walks into the room, sees something scary, and walks out with no reaction or change of expression. 

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