HOW TO: Malnourishment and dehydration

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Writing characters who becomes severely malnourished/dehydrated?


 - Death: average - 21 days (3 weeks), max. ever recorded - 70 days (2.3 months).

 - 6 hours: grouchiness and hunger due to lack of glucose.

 - 24 hours - 48 hours: hunger very apparent, pains in stomach; body has entered ketosis and is using fatty acids as energy.

 - 72 hours+: muscles begin to get broken down for energy.

 - You will become increasingly depressed, irritable, hysteric, apathetic; decline in concentration, comprehension and judgement; social isolation and withdrawal; possible self-harm. 

 - If your character doesn't eat for five consecutive days, they are at risk of Refeeding Syndrome. This is extremely dangerous and can be fatal.

Recommended reading:

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment and psychology of starvation based on the experiment. 


 - Death: average 3 days; some live 8-10 days.

 - For calculations: TWV = total water volume in body; average adult loses 2.5 litres of water per day.

 - Assuming your character doesn't eat, drink or absorb any moisture. 

 - 9 hours/2% TWV: thirst, discomfort, dry skin, loss of appetite; 50% loss of performance for athletes; elevated body temperature, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, dizziness when standing, decreased fluid secretion (sweat, urination, tears etc. )

 - 24 hours/ 6% TWV: sleepiness, severe headache, nausea, tingling in limbs. 

 - 36-72 hour/ 6-15% TWV: no urination, seizures, muscle spasms, shrivelled skin, fainting, vision dimming, delirium. 

 - 72 hours+ /15% TWV: organ failure.

Recommended reading:

Dehydration on the psychology wiki.

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