HOW TO: Types of fight scenes

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1.) The victim battle - this is less of a fight scene and more of an attack. Your protagonist is not able to defend themselves and has no choice but to take the beating. This scene usually happens to sir up some conflict or progress with the plot. 

2.) The hero battle - your character is saving someone from a mugging, hostage situation, or anything that involves heroics. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they don't. That part is completely up to the writer. 

3.) The asshole battle - this scene happens when one character is being an asshole and other instigates a fight. It can happen between two good friends, and it doesn't matter who started the fight. This fight usually gets broken up soon after it gets started. There's rarely a winner. 

4.) The information battle - this happens in a specific kind of book where the protagonist has information that they are not supposed to have. As a result, they keep getting attacked. 

5.) The infiltration battle - this scene happened when your protagonist is infiltrating enemy territory. It's not uncommon for them to get caught and wind up in a fight. 

6.) The final battle - this is the most important fight scene of the entire book. Your hero and villain are finally going face to face in a battle the decides the resolution. This can also be the climax. 

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