HOW TO: Types of kiss prompt's Pt. 1

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Post-break-up kiss: The kiss that catches you both off guard, but says I miss you, I'm sorry and please love me again all at once without any words being spoken.

Early morning kiss: A kiss that's a wake-up call, it's barely even lips touching, more like they're kissing your chin but they're so tired in the early morning haze. 

Hesitant kiss: The type of kiss where their lips brush against each other's a few times, breath fanning across each other's faces as one waits for the other to make a move.

In the moment kiss: Maybe it's in the middle of an argument or you just looked too damn beautiful not to kiss, but their lips were hot against yours and it felt too good to stop.

Can't let you go yet kiss: The type of goodbye kiss when you keep leaving quick pecks on each other's lips but end up pulling each other back for more which could go on for hours if one of you don't finally pull away.

Empty kiss: When one of you don't kiss back, just the stoic feeling of their lips on yours, it's empty like no-one even cares anymore.

Unbreakable kiss: The type of kiss that really shouldn't be happening, it's a mistake, but you just can't find yourself able to pull away. 

Breathtaking kiss: It's the kiss that you can't do anything for a few seconds after, you keep your eyes closed with mouth agape as your mind tries to process what's happened.

Distracting kiss: When you are competing, maybe playing video games or something so you press kisses anywhere available, arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, temple, just anywhere to distract them.

Quick, goodbye kiss: It's the almost late for work kisses when their lips just peck yours like an unfinished goodbye.

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