AU: New England gothic

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- sleet falls everywhere all the time. The ground is thick with grey slush. Twice your car almost slides out of control, but you don't exit the vehicle. You have no idea what's out there.

- you arrive at a hotel at around five. It's a massive building, more like a mansion than a skyscraper. It's painted dark grey to fit in with the surroundings and you spy shadows flitting back and forth behind the top windows.

- when you check in, the receptionist is serious and dark-haired. Your luggage is taken away by a butler in all black. Before you go to your room, the receptionist tells you under no circumstances should you leave your room at night. You ask her why but she just shakes her head.

- during the night, footsteps sound in the hall. Chains rattle and voices whisper. You wonder who is in the corridor at midnight. Didn't they listen to the receptionist? You then remember that you're the only one on the second floor.

- you see a newspaper headline about a dead body found in a frozen lake. A shiver runs down your spine.

- the woods are very, very dark, furthered only by the almost black colour of the trees and the terrible weather. Things rustled in the woods every time you get too close to them. The woods watch you. they know who you are. You don't go near the woods again.

- driving through fog, your headlights cut white triangles in the gloom. As you pass an old, rotting housing, the lights hit a black cat, who yowls and slinks away. It makes you jump, but you can't keep your eyes off the house. You have a feeling it was more than just the cat that was watching you.

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