PLOT: How to switch things up

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- shoot somebody. This will catch the reader by total surprise.

- introduce an obnoxious new character who will really tick off your protagonist.

- go to the quirk, to the flaw, of your main character. E.g. bad temper, someone asks about the scar on his face, his trick knees give out etc.

- lose something important. Adrenaline flows when you lose something.

- embarrass your protagonist.

- have your protagonist kiss the wrong girl. This annoys the reader.

- put your protagonist in a hopeless situation, e.g. a bomb, a deadly diagnosis etc.

- have a crucial side character disappear.

- start a rumour about your main character

- got to the attic. Uncover something mysterious. A locked box. A letter from Matt Damon. A gun that's property of LAPD etc.

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