HOW TO: Magical tools/objects masterpost

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- Athame, ritual knife - associated with fire and the south, athames are used in a variety of rituals. It directs energy and creates magical circles. 

- Butterfly wings -some believe taht butterfly wings can be representative of a witch's soul

- Chalice - representative of the female principle of water. Can be used to represent fertility and spring.

- Crystals - all crystals have specific energies and properties to aid spells and rituals.

- Crystal Ball - teh use of crystal balls are common when images are required to relay information in divination.

- Feathers - representative of air. Traditionally feathers are used as a sign of the spiritual plane and thsoe who can connect to it.

- Graveyard dirt - used as a link between the physical world and the next. Graveyard dirt can be used in protection spells as well as curses. Some use graveyard dirt to communicate with restless spirits, such as those who were murdered or unjustly killed.

- Pendulum - a pendulum is a weight at the end of a chain or string that is used for divination. the weight can eb a stone, crystal, ring, coin, or pendant.

- Rainwater - the equivalent of 'holy water'. rainwater is purified bythe earth itself. It can be difficult to harvest in large quantities, but it's quite effective at cleansing. 

- Salt water - can be used for cleansing and healing.

- Skulls, animal or otherwise - not only is it a Memento Mori (medieval Latin Christian theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly goods and pursuits), it also serves as a representative of the fragility of the physical form. Some believe that skulls are a housing place for spirits, not only those of the former owners, but for lost souls as well. 

- Snake skin - represents transformation and growth as well as new opportunities. Snake skin can boost the effectiveness of certain spells including protection spells and energy cleansing.

- Stones/rocks - much like crystals, alls tones have different properties depending on what kind of rock they are and even where they came from. Some stones hold energies that they have come in contact with. These energies shouldnot be underestimated. 

- Tarot cards - form of divination taht channels the energy of the subject to report information about that person's past, present and future. 

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