AU: AU's I really want to see written

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 - I got up at 2am to get some snacks at the convenience store down the street and opened my door to find you trying to sleep on the floor of the hallway because your roommate has his fiancée over and I guess I'll lend you my couch for the night

 - My stupid cat sneaked out on the balcony and into your open window and he has a hat of destroying furniture and pissing everywhere so I followed him inside and you came home earlier than I expected and found me in the middle of you living room but I swear I'm not a burglar okay

 - You left your USB drive in the library computer and I had to go through your files to figure out who you are and I ended up reading the entirety of this book you're working on and wow you're actually really good??

 - I was trying to read in the park and your stray football fucking knocked me unconscious. 

 - This really cute guy rented the apartment over the bakery/flower shop I work at and I keep trying to find excuses to be outside when he comes home. 

 - It's 3am and you're blasting off classic rock volume and your music taste might be awesome but sOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP YOU SHITHEAD.

 - My best mate somehow fucked up my T.V and tonight is the season premiere of this show I rally like and no livestream will work on my computer so will you please let me watch it on your T.V I promise I'll go back to my flat once it's over.

 - Look I'm glad you have a healthy sex life and all but will you please try not to pierce a whole through my ceiling with your bed thanks. 

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