HOW TO: Trauma leaves an impression

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Imagine your best friend dies in your arms, the net day you go to a party. You never mention or think about your friend again. 

Sounds unrealistic, right? And yet that's the way death works in so many stories. there's one heartfelt emotional scene and then the character is just gone. 

And it's not just death. Writers will do this with war, torture, any trauma you can think of. The characters will go through horrific events and then just forget about them. 

It leaves you with the impression that non of what happened actually mattered. Sure there was a war, but it had no effect n anyone and wad clearly just there for the cool sword fights. The writer can claim that the war was important, but if none of the characters have a reaction to it then I'm not gonna believe them. 

This is true of any event you put in your story, whether it's a death or a breakup. It doesn't matter how dramatic it is in the moment you write it; it never comes up again and it never mattered. 

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