HOW TO: Light and dark

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The politic of light and dark are everywhere in our vocabulary. PSA to writers: subvert this, reveal whiteness and lightness as sometimes artificial and violent, and darkness as healing, the unknown as natural. 

Bad things that are white/light:

 - lightening, very hot fire

 - snow storms, ice, frost on crops

 - some types of fungus/mould

 - corpses, ghosts, bones, a diseases person

 - clothing, skin tone, hair etc. of a bad person

 - fur, teeth, eyes of an attacking animal/monster

 - bleached out deserts, dead trees, lifeless places

 - poison

Some good things that are black/dark:

 - rich earth/soil

 - chocolate, truffles, wine, cooked meat

 - friendly animals/pets/creatures

 - a characters favourite vehicle, technology, coat etc. 

 - a pleasant night

 - hair, skin tone, clothing etc. of a good person

 - undisturbed water of a lake

 - the case/container of something important

 - valued wood/furniture/art

 - velvet

Think to burn, to infect, to bleach vs. to enrich, to protect, to be of substance.

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