AU: Instead of coffeeshop AU

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- ran into each other at the bookstore and tried to get the last copy AU

- flirted with the other to steal their wallet AU

- met on an online forum and ended up really hating each other but whoops they're next door neighbours AU

- valedictorian and salutatorian at each other's throats AU

- painter AU: the catch is that one isn't actually an art student, and the other keeps syphoning art supplies back to their house so they can paint at their leisure AU  

- called tech support and flirted with the geek squad kid working the phones themselves AU

- accidentally singed off their eyebrows in the chem lab AU

- fireman AU. Where person A's cat get's stuck in the house and person B, the fireman/woman goes to get the cat. Person A ask's what they can do for person B, person B jokingly asks's for a date and gets one.

- post-apocalyptic AU. Where it's just the two of them and a bunch of zombies running rampant, and all they're armed with is their wits and each other's backs.

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