HOW TO: Character collapsing

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 - Character has been getting paler and paler all day. They're uncharacteristically trembly and clumsy, all of their usual grace gone. They catch their foot on an uneven bit of ground and just pitches forward bonelessly, making no effort to recover or even break their fall. They hit the ground like a ton of bricks - they were out before they connected. 

 - Character is rambling about ridiculous things and their teammates are half-laughing and half-exasperated because they're in the middle of something that's dangerous and needs all of their attention, until someone eventually says "shut up, character," and character does and everyone's so relieved until they realise the character is so quiet because they're slumped and unconscious. 

 - Character is badly injured and teetering on the edge of unconsciousness - but they are the only one who knows the way out. Without them leading the group, they're all going to die. Character tries all manner of things to stay operational, including pouring a bottle of water on their head, slapping themselves, sticking a pin through their hand (Bladerunner style) to maybe even injecting themselves with adrenaline. But the moment the exit is in sight they crash hard and completely, leaving their team to do the clean up without them. 

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