HOW TO: Female court positions

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A royal court is the servants, friends and noble families that live with the king or queen in the royal palace.

1 - the Lady in Waiting - the female companion of the queen, a consort, princess or noblewoman. They are there to keep their lady company, looking fine and some even turn spy for or against their mistress. They are women from the top noble families and sometimes royal spouses.

2 - Maid in Waiting - these women do the same thing, but these are unmarried women from lower noble families.

3 - Mistress - the girlfriend of a a king, noble or even queen. They are usually noblewomen. they hold an important role at court and can be treated as an unofficial queen. They are not always bitches however, some historical mistresses have been besties with the queens or wives of their lovers. 

Mistresses could also be "made" noble by their benefactor if they were't already. they'd receive a title and a place in court as favouritism, which obviously went unappreciated by those born into their title. Likewise, receiving an undeserved title when not a mistress powered the rumour mill that you were a mistress. 

4 - Governess - these women look after royal children. Think of them like a nanny without having to deal with the mess and tears. they ca be surrogate mothers to their charges or like evil stepmothers. 

In the eyes of their charges, governesses have often been seen as surrogate parents because they did the actual parenting and therefore received the children's love. They could also be abusive oppressors who went unchecked by the parents because they were good at kissing up, making excuses, or the kid came out to the parent's satisfaction, if not the kids. 

These roles and rules do vary per culture and this post is highly England centric. they're literally one hundreds monarchies on the planet, if  not thousands historically, so if you feel like breaking the fantasy mould, base you hierarchy on a different culture. 

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