WRITING PROMPT: 100 Prompts that will make you cry

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1 - You're a ghost haunting your own funeral. You see that nobody showed up.

2 - What are these strangers doing in your house? You're confused and angry, it's been a week and it seems like they're not leaving, they're not even paying attention to you. You're a ghost haunting your house without knowing it.

3 - A single man and dog run the Iditarod only to show up with the medicine for his daughter too late. This is his story. 

4 - You fight a noble cause. You complete all the necessary steps. You reach the top of the world doing good deeds to improve other people's lives. Its your first day of retirement and you watch your hard work come undone before your eyes. 

5 - "You can't understand how it is to feel this worthless. I just want it all to go away! I want it all to STOP!"

6 - Despite everything they did, everything they went through. it was made clear that their attempts were pointless, as they were too late to save them.

7 - The only thing left for you to do was to leave forever.

8 - You didn't visit your parent figure in hospital the day before they passed away because you wanted to finish your homework. Less than 24 hours later you get a message from your sibling. "They passed away this morning."

9 - No matter how hard you try, they just laugh at you. You are a joke, a game, you don't matter. You've had enough.

10 - "Robert, you can't just leave! There are fifty kids waiting for you! You promised you'd get us out alive. Us, being me and my 500 grand. Thanks for your help, by the way. Sorry about the boiled alive thing. Chao!"

11 - Why did you leave me? It's been 15 years. Why did you leave? I can't just accept the fact that you showed up on my doorstep expecting an apology. I have a family now. And i can't just let you pull me into your problems. 

12 - Your school, company or organisation has required you to go to therapy for a potentially traumatic incident. This is the session when you decide to tell the story of becoming estranged from your last living relative. 

13 - You can only watch the live news helplessly as thousands of miles away, a tsunami happens in the country your best friend happens to be visiting.

14 - "My head is full of you but my arms are empty."

15 - "Best friends forever," we used to say. But now we aren't even talking anymore. When I see them anywhere, another person is by their side, a new best friends. And I, I am all alone. 

16 - Person A shares something no one knew about them and it's very personal and then they get outcasted by their family and person B is the only one to support them as they cry.

17 - The fire was pretty, swirling shades of blue and green and purple, if you could ignore it was destroying the planet. 

18 - A crying child is the hospital bed looks to you for answers. She wants to know where her mommy is. You have no answer.

19 - " I can't take it anymore, Sam. You don't tell me anything, you've been disappearing for hours, you have phone calls you don't want me to hear, and now you forgot our anniversary. I'm done being patient. I have packed my things, you can keep the car and the house. Goodbye." A small box fell out of his fingers, and a ring with a diamond shining merrily on the band rolled away as the phone stopped playing out the voicemail.

20 - You unlock your iPhone, and, ignoring the shaking of your hand, answer the call. "Hey," you say, not even trying to compress the wound, too far gone you already are, "no I'm fine. I'll be with you in a minute or two..."

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