AU: American public school gothic

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 - There's an old slice of pizza on the stairs leading up to the second floor. no one knows how t got there, nor where it came from. It blinks at you as you walk by.

 - There's a menacing beeping, always present, in the back of your mind. Cold sweats break out on your arm and you feel like running. You realise it's just a pacer test, echoing from the gym.

 - The textbooks are falling apart. Students stare at you, their eyes dark and fearful, refusing to move as you push your way to class. They stand silent, begging you to draw blood. You mumble an "excuse me," and move on.

 - You stand for the pledge and there's no flag. there are no flags anywhere. The teacher stand with her hand over her heart and looks to the wall, here eyes unseeing. the fog is gone and soon she will be too.

 - It smells like tuna in the cafeteria, but when you enter there is no tuna. Just the crushing weight of existence and the idea that your life means nothing. You leave with milk and a sandwich. 

 - The health curriculum is outdated. The teacher turns on a movie from the 80's and spits in an ancient tongue. You pretend to take notes and try not feel the fire in his gaze. 

 - The football players got new uniforms, but they have consumed their mass and energy already . they await hungrily o the filled, chained to the goal posts, their mouths frothing. New uniforms are once again ordered and the drama club has no funding. 

 - College is on the horizon. It is a bloody red and its arms are already outstretched. Run to it. You have nowhere else to go. 

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