PLOT: If you're stuck in the middle of the scene

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Some advice for when you're writing and find yourself stuck in the middle of a scene:

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Some advice for when you're writing and find yourself stuck in the middle of a scene:

- kill someone*

- ask this question: 'what could go wrong?' and write exactly how it goes wrong

- switch the POV from your current character to another - a minor character, the antagonist, anyone

- stop writing whatever scene you're struggling with and skip to the next one you want to write

- write the ending

- write a sex scene

- use a scene prompt

- use sentence starters

- read someone else's writing

Never delete. Never read what you've already written. Pass go, collect your $200, and keep going.

*By kill someone don't fucking actually kill someone. Kill the bloody character. This book does not promote the murder of innocent people unless they're morons.

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